Yuri Chaika, Adam Delimkhanov. Photo: https://news.1777.ru/75667-polpredu-prezidenta-v-skfo-yuriyu-chayke-prodlili-srok-sluzhby-esche-na-god Duma.gov.ru

22 July 2022, 15:42

Delimkhanov and Chaika put on EU's sanctions list

The new package of anti-Russian sanctions of the European Union (EU) has been extended onto Adam Delimkhanov, a State Duma MP from Chechnya, and Yuri Chaika, the presidential envoy to the North-Caucasian Federal District (NCFD).

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on March 14, Ramzan Kadyrov announced that his adviser, a State Duma MP, Adam Delimkhanov, was in Donbass. Two days later, Kadyrov reported that Delimkhanov had discussed with Chechen commandos a plan to storm the "Azovstal" plant in Mariupol. On April 26, Vladimir Putin signed a decree conferring the title of Hero of Russia on Delimkhanov.

The EU has included Adam Delimkhanov into the seventh package of anti-Russian sanctions; it follows from the text of the resolution posted on July 21 on the website of the EU's Official Journal.

Adam Delimkhanov has been put on the list because the EU found him responsible for organizing Chechen units in Donbass and heading the "siege of Mariupol in March 2022," the resolution says.

Yuri Chaika, the Russian president's envoy to the NCFD, has been also included into the list. In April 2022, he presented state awards to the servicemen who distinguished themselves during the military operation in Ukraine; in March 2022 he justified the actions of Russian militaries; and, besides, "for many years, Yuri Chaika has been among Vladimir Putin's closest associates," the EU has explained its decision.

The list also includes Sharip Delimkhanov, the commander of the Chechen branch of the "Rosgvardiya" (Russian National Guard), and his deputy, Alibek Delimkhanov. The EU believes that they led Chechen law enforcers in Kyiv and Donbass, the resolution says.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on July 22, 2022 at 09:24 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: The Caucasian Knot

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