14 February 2021, 12:00
Ossetian food blogger becomes famous for spreading food among those in need
Aslan Gabuev, a resident of North Ossetia, has become a popular food blogger thanks to his charity actions – he cooks food and gives it out to those in need. The "Life Food" Association of Charitable Funds is organizing nutrition at Vladikavkaz orphanages and treats pensioner in the local flea market.
The idea of charity food actions came to Aslan Gabuev after his father's death. He buys groceries and delivers foodstuffs at his own expense; he wouldn't accept any monetary help.
Aslan hopes that his action will develop into a larger-scale project. In the near future, he will give a master class for orphans, who have no chances to learn cooking.
In Vladikavkaz, the above "Life Food" Association of Charitable Funds is also distributing food free of charge. According to Tamara Nesterenko, the project coordinator, in Vladikavkaz, the Association helps people living in shelters, and is spreading food in the streets.
As noted on the "Life Food" website, this is the only volunteer non-governmental organization (NGO) in Russia engaged in feeding people who occurred in emergency situations.
The Fund plans to deliver food to needy families; the main donors thereof are local entrepreneurs.
This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on February 13, 2021 at 07:50 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.
Author: Tamara Agkatseva Source: CK correspondent