02 May 2019, 23:09
Georgia pays tribute to Holocaust victims
The film "Georgian Schindler" about Sergey Metreveli, a native of Georgia, who saved a group of Jews in the Stavropol Territory during World War II, was presented at the event held in memory of the Holocaust victims in Tbilisi.
The evening held on May 1 as a part of the Israeli Week was organized by the Israeli House.
In August 1942, Sergey Metreveli used mountain tracks to lead Jews out of Kislovodsk, occupied by German troops. In 16 days, the refugees passed 500 kilometers, crossed the Caucasus Mountains, and found themselves in Georgia, in the native village of Sergey Metreveli, reports the website of the Holocaust Centre and Foundation.
The Holocaust Remembrance Day paying tribute to Holocaust victims and heroes of the resistance is the day of national memory in Israel. This year it fell on May 2. Recently, people began to mark the Holocaust Remembrance not only in Israel, but also in Jewish communities of different countries, the Yad Vashem International Holocaust Memorial Centre reports on its website. Meanwhile, by decision of the UN General Assembly, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day is marked on January 27.
Itsik Moshe, President of the Israel-Georgia Chamber of Business, called the support of the Georgian authorities important for the Jewish community.
"The support of the parliament is very important. It is another bridge between Georgia and Israel," said Itsik Moshe as quoted by the "Georgia Online".
This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on May 2, 2019 at 04:54 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.