A gold medal and a school-leaving certificate. Photo http://www.yugopolis.ru

28 June 2017, 18:00

Teachers and activists treat illegal awarding medals in schools in Adygea as usual thing

Awarding medals "by acquaintance" or a university diploma "for money" occurred everywhere in Adygea; however, earlier such cases were hushed up, said Zaurbiy Chundyshko, an activist of the Maikop branch of the "Adyge Khase-Circassian Council", and Irina Zakreeva, a teacher.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on June 21 at the graduation party at a school of the Takhtamukay district, one of the medallists stated that her classmate had undeservedly received a medal, because she is a daughter of a local official.

A source from the administration of Adygea has stated that the check conducted by the republic's Ministry of Education concluded that the marks received by this year's school graduates were well-deserved.

Mr Chundyshko believes that the principle of spreading school gold medals in Adygea is negatively affecting the local education system. However, according to his story, it is pointless to check the legality of awarding all the gold medals in the republic.

The education system of Adygea has many problems: teachers' low qualification and poorly organized education process, Asker Sokht, the deputy head of the "Adyge Khase" of the Krasnodar Territory; however, as he said, for responsible parents these education problems create no obstacles.

Mr Sokht has also stressed that the harassment campaign unleashed in the media and social networks against the girl, accused of illegally receiving the medal, is inadmissible.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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