New Hampshire State troopers canvas a neighborhood in Watertown, Mass., April 19, 2013. Photo: Sally Vargas, Talk Radio News Service,

19 April 2013, 18:00

US police detain sister of Tsarnaev brothers

Today, in the state of New Jersey, the police detained a sister of the Chechens, suspected of the bombings at the Boston Marathon, the US media report referring the FBI.

Let us remind you that the brothers Tamerlan, 26, and Johar, 19, Tsarnaev are suspected of blowing up the Boston Marathon race. The Tsarnaev family moved to the USA from Chechnya, said Alvi Karimov, the press secretary of the head of the Chechen Republic. According to preliminary data, before coming to the States, Tsarnaevs had also lived in Makhachkala and Kyrgyzstan.

On April 15, at the finish of the Boston Marathon, a double explosion was triggered and killed three people and wounded dozens more. According to the CNN, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed today; and the search of Johar Tsarnaev continues.

Today, the FBI has detained, in West New York, New Jersey, detained a sister of Johar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

FBI agents are interrogating the detained Alina Tsarnaeva, the RIA "Novosti" said today at 8:10 p.m. Moscow time with reference to the Fox News Channel.

Now, contradictory information arrives from the USA about possible whereabouts of Johar Tsarnaev.

Thus, according to the Connecticut State Police, tonight a car was found in Boston, which, according to preliminary data, was used by Johar Tsarnaev, the "Interfax" reports.

However, The Boston Globe has reported, citing its sources in the Boston Police, that Johar Tsarnaev was detained in Watertown, 15 miles away from Boston. The younger brother was hiding in his house, the "RBC" reports.

The "" reports with reference to the Fox News that several explosions were heard in the house in Norfolk Street in Watertown, where Johar Tsarnaev could be hiding.

The second suspect of organizing the attack on the Boston Marathon may have been killed at detention, the TV channel "Russia 24" has reported.

Meanwhile, it is still unknown which citizenship was awarded to Tsarnaev brothers - of Russia, the United States or Turkey. The suspects were not registered by the Russian General Consulate in New York, said the spokesman of the diplomatic mission.

"We'll continue working closely with US authorities to establish whether they (the suspects) are citizens of the Russian Federation," the RIA "Novosti" quotes a source from the Consulate.

Johar Tsarnaev is a US citizen from September 2012, the "Russian News Service" reports citing the CBS TV Company.

It is known that in 2012 Tamerlan Tsarnaev visited Russia. According to the NBC New York TV Channel, he flew to Russia on January 12, 2012, and returned on July 17. Investigators are trying to figure out whether he could undergo terrorist training during his visit, the "Interfax" reports.

Johar Tsarnaev wrote in his page on the social network "VKontakte" that in 1999-2001 he studied in School No. 1 of Makhachkala; and in 2011 he studied at the Cambridge Ringe & Latin School. Supposedly, for the last time he entered the social network on April 19 at 5:00 a.m. Moscow time.

On April 9 this year, he posted a video on his page on the social network about the conflict in Syria. The video shows warfare in Syria and victims of the conflict; it ends with the words "Syria calls. We'll answer!"

Along with that, phony accounts of Johar Tsarnaev appear on social networks. Several thousand users have taken fake Facebook and Twitter pages for true, the "" reports.

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