29 November 2012, 19:00

The court will consider a lawsuit of a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria against Center "E" for declaring her a suicide bomber

Resident of Kabardino-Balkaria Fuza Makhotlova appealed to human rights organizations and mass media asking to refute the information about her being a suicide bomber spread by Center "E" of the Ministry of Interior Affairs in KBR. Concurrently, Makhotlova submitted an anti-defamation lawsuit to Nalchik city court, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.

"On December, 3, 2011, I was summoned to Center of counteraction to extremism (Center "E") of the Ministry of Interior Affairs in KBR. During the talk they said that they received an anonymous letter about me but refused to show it to me explaining that the information was secret and undisclosable", Fuza Makhotlova said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to Makhotlova, during the talk she was asked whether she was a Muslim wife of A.T. Bzhikshiev killed on September, 21, in Sukhumi as a result of blasting of his car.

"I was not that man's Muslim wife which I told them about. Moreover, all those present in the office knew my ex-husband colonel of police Alim Anzorovich Makhotlov, commander of riot squad of the Ministry of Interior Affairs in KBR. At the end of the talk Head of the Center asked me to produce my passport for taking a photocopy confirming that I had no registered Muslim marriage with Bzhikshiev. I was at a loss for everyone knows that no record of registered marriage not stipulated by the law of the Russian Federation is ever made in the Russian passport. However, not suspecting a catch I gave them my passport. The led my evidence after which I went home", the woman said.

According to her, the same evening her relatives and friends started calling her to inform that operational briefings with her photo were spread all over the republic. "The photo was copied from my passport", Makhotlova said.

Fuza Makhotlova says that the operational briefing ran that Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Russian Federation of Southern Federal Okrug "was keeping information that the Abkhazian radicals in order to take vengeance for their leader A.T. Bzhikshiev (according to members of power ministries, one of the leaders of extremist underground of KBR, participant of armed attack at Nalchik in October of 2005 - note by the "Caucasian Knot") were planning to commit an act of terror in the territory of the Russian Federation with the use of a suicide bomber".

"It was reported that one of the three A. Bzhikshiev's Muslim wives with a change of fundamental data was being trained as a suicide bomber and Fuza Ahmadovna Makhotlova born in 1957, native of KBR, was one of the possible suicide bombers. Then phone numbers of standby unit of the Ministry of Interior Affairs followed", the woman recalls.

Makhotlova states that the operational briefing created an actual threat to her life. "The information about me was also spread on the Internet", she said.

On December, 6, 2011, Fuza Makhotlova submitted a complaint to Public Prosecutor's office of the republic and the Minister of Interior Affairs of KBR stating that the operational briefing contained untrue information about her and in fact declared her dangerous special criminal.

On January, 10, 2012, Makhotlova received an answer from Public Prosecutor's office of KBR running that her statement was acknowledged reasonable, therefore the Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Russian Federation in KBR entered a proposal of carrying out an official inspection and calling the guilty persons to account. However, according to the woman, no particular measures for her rehabilitation were taken as of the moment. Makhotlova was last detained for the reason of this operational briefing in August of 2012.

Makhotlova states that as a result of all these events she experienced great stress, the state of her health declined dramatically and her business partners (Makhotlova had a small business) gave up cooperation with her.

Fuza Makhotlova explained to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that in 2011 she dealt with delivery of confectionery to the Republic of Abkhazia and in this connection for a short time had business contacts with Bzhikshiev who was a citizen of Abkhazia and had a retail network there.

Makhotlova asks human rights organizations and mass media to help her in rehabilitation of her good name and business reputation.

The lawyer who represents Makhotlova's interests emphasized gross violation of the woman's constitutional rights. "Such an operational briefing is deathlike for a person", he declared. The lawyer considers that she can win the case, all the more so taking into consideration that Public Prosecutor's office confirmed gross violation of human rights concerning Makhotlova".

Valery Khatazhukov, Head of Human rights center of Kabardino-Balkaria, thinks that the Minister of Interior Affairs must make a public apology to Makhotlova. "We consider that her good name must be reestablished and she must be completely rehabilitated", he said.

Trail on Fusa Makhotlova's lawsuit will be held in Nalchik city court on December, 15.

Author: Ludmila Maratova Source: CK correspondent

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