31 July 2012, 09:00

The authorities of South Ossetia are inspecting lawfulness of dwelling distribution in “Moskovsky” micro-district

A committee for inspection of lawfulness and relevance of dwelling fund distribution in “Moskovsky” micro-district built in the suburbs of Tskhinvali was created in South Ossetia. Many of the new residents are sure that the dwellings were distributed unfairly, the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent reports.

The decision of construction of “Moskovsky” micro-district in Tskhinvali at the cost of 2,5 billion rubles was taken by ex-Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. In the beginning of March of 2009 Luzhkov signed a directive of allotment of one more billion rubles on reconstruction of Tskhinvali. The authorities of the town promised that priority in dwelling distribution would be given to young families and ones having many children.

Until recently dwellings in “Moskovsky” micro-district were distributed by a governmental committee under Edward Kokoity’s supervision. The dwellings were distributed according to a program of support of young families and ones having many children. Besides, meetings were held in the ministries and departments where employees themselves decided on which of their colleagues needed flats most of all.

Members of the new committee pointed out that the committee while distributing dwellings by holding meetings in work collectives was not guided by the law or base of legal regulations.

“I have three sons. All this time my husband and I were bringing them up at home where we lived together with my sister-in-law and her two children, my brother-in-law and mother-in-law. After fire in our house we went to live with our neighbours. We had long been on the waiting list to get dwelling and only after my husband paid a certain sum to one of the high-ranking officials we received a cottage and were solemnly handed the keys as needy persons”, a resident of “Moskovsky” micro-district who wished to remain anonymous said.

According to her, there are flats and cottages in the micro-district “given as a present by the authorities of those days to many ministers, heads of districts and officials of judicial system”.

“I am expecting a baby in my second marriage. My husband has no house of his own. His mother and sister with her children live in an unfinished rural house. We spent winter there in a glazed balcony where water was freezing in buckets. There we washed, ate and slept. I am told everywhere that the problem has not yet been settled for there are no free dwellings or just say they are unable to help us”, resident of Tskhinvali Nelly Tskhoverbova said.

Officials of Tskhinvali Administration explained that there were no free social dwellings at the disposal of Mayor’s office for the Administration of Tskhinvali did not deal with distribution of dwellings.

Author: Maria Kotaeva Source: CK correspondent

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