11 February 2004, 13:01

Russian radicals see connection between terrorist act in metro and initiative of European Parliament members to establish UN administration in Chechnya

We call your attention to the statement by Nikolay Khramov, secretary of the Russian Radicals movement, member of the Transnational Radical Party General Council, in connection with the 6 February terrorist act in the Moscow metro:

Calm, business-like and looking almost satisfied Putin immediately (where has his thoughtful mood of the times of "Kursk" and "Nord-Ost" disappeared?) spoke on television and said he didn't need any proofs because, as it is, he was sure that president Maskhadov was involved in today's terrorist act in the metro. Also he said that there wouldn't be any negotiations.

All this happened only two days after practically all the Russian mass media had informed that 145 deputies of the European parliament had joined the appeal which was initiated by the Transnational Radical Party in support of the peace plan of Maskhadov's government providing the establishment of an interim UN administration in Chechnya, and also that the future debates on the Chechen question in the European Parliament could result in an unprecedentedly strong resolution and serious changes in the European Union's policies towards Russia...

Is there anybody who doesn't understand something? Does anybody still have questions? Or - after the explosions of 1999 and Dagestan, after "Nordost" - we have to ask again and again the same infinite question: qui prodest?

6 February 2004

Editors note: See also the article "Death toll from Moscow metro blast reaches 39".

Source: Russian Radicals movement

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