09 February 2004, 23:17

Statement by Human Rights Center "Memorial" Council Chairman, Society "Memorial" Board member Oleg Orlov "On the Initiative of European Parliament members"

145 members of the European Parliament signed the statement that is an expression of the support they give to the plan of peaceful settlement in Chechnya called in press as "Maskhadov's plan". This plan supposes the transfer of government over the territory of Chechnya to a United Nations interim administration and withdrawal of Russian troops from there with simultaneous disarmament of units resisting them.

On 4 February, some media asked me to comment on this initiative of the European Parliament members. Unfortunately, it has turned out that many listeners and readers did not understand what I said. Therefore I find it important to reproduce my comments accurately.

One should admit with obviousness that the plan of peaceful settlement suggested by Aslan Maskhadov and members of his government can not be realized. At least one reason for it is that Russia is the UN Security Council Permanent Member and can veto any decision of this UN structure that has a binding effect for Russia. Resolutions of the UN General Assembly can be passed by a majority but they have a nature of recommendation. It is also quite obvious that at least one government of the state recognized on the international level will hardly show its readiness to take actions aimed at putting this plan into practice. But regardless of the content of these proposals, the important thing is that advocates of the independence of Chechnya aspire to stop military actions and seek a way out of the conflict.

I think that the European parliamentarians' initiative should be considered solely as a vivid demonstration of their distrust of Moscow's policy in Chechnya. It is completely evident that the Russian leadership substitute pseudo-elections and a pseudo-referendum for the real political settlement of the armed conflict and mass gross violations of human rights in Chechnya continue. The developments in Chechnya have a very negative effect on the social and political development of Russia and pose a threat to the future of our country as a democratic state.

The deputies who signed this statement showed in a harsh way that the situation in Chechnya complicates relations between Russia and Europe now as before

It seems to me that all those who are not indifferent to Russia's destiny can only welcome the appeal by European partners of our country to the issue of human rights observance in Chechnya, including that in the form chosen by the members of the European Parliament.

Oleg Orlov

6 February 2004

Editors note: See also the article "Russian human rights defenders second initiative of European Parliament members who suggest accepting plan of peaceful settlement in Chechnya".

Source: Memorial International Society

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