01 July 2009, 17:13
First casino in gambling zone "Azov-City" to appear by the end of year
The Kazan-based Company "Royal Time" will build the first casino in the gambling zone "Azov-City", which is created in the border of the Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region, before the end of 2009.
As reported by Rudolf Matevosyan, spokesman of the Company, the volume of Company's investments into the project is not clear yet; so far, it is supported only by the engineering infrastructure. The land plot, where the casino is now built, is 500 meters off the coast of the Taganrog Gulf. A main highway is running quite close, enabling visitors to drive up right to the casino, as the "Gazeta.Ru" reports.
The "Royal Time" project includes a restaurant, a casino and rest rooms for visitors and personnel. The "NEWSru.com" adds that in total the Company has rented four hectares of land in "Azov-City".