02 July 2009, 13:00
Azerbaijan offers Russia to jointly control Samur River
The Joint Statement of Presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia on the main principles of finalizing delimitation of the state border and distribution of water resources of the Samur River defines the parameters of the compromise, on the basis of which mutually acceptable settlement of these problems in the interests of two countries are possible. This was stated today in Baku by Vladimir Dorokhin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Azerbaijan has stated.
The Ambassador has explained that the idea of the offer of the Azerbaijani party is in joint use of the water divider on the Samur River, which decides, where to send water - to Dagestan or to Azerbaijan.
Nowadays, the water-divider is operated by the Azerbaijani party. However, Azerbaijan, according to Mr Dorokhin, "is ready to consider the issue of joint management of the water divider and distribution of water with account of the interests of Azerbaijan and Dagestan."
As a whole, according to his story, the negotiations on the border delimitation "go on nicely," and more than 90 percent of the border, which is 390 kilometres long, has been already agreed on.
See earlier report: "The issue of Georgian-Azerbaijani border remains unsettled".
Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent