24 September 2003, 23:40

Taman police foiled picket holding against ammoniac terminal construction in Kuban

A picket in protest against illegal actions of the Togliattiazot corporation, which keeps on constructing an ammonia reloading terminal on the Taman Peninsula, was to be held in the village of Volna on September 19, 2003. As organizers of the picket - activists of the Movement "Rainbow Keepers" and the Social and Ecological Union of the West Caucasus reported, the action was foiled since the Taman police had sequestrated the Taman office of the Social and Ecological Union of the West Caucasus on September 18, the day before the picket.

Under such a state of affairs the Social and Ecological Union of the West Caucasus decided not to aggravate the situation and not to take part in the picket. About 50 officers of law and order arrived at the small village of Volna on September 19 to prevent the picket holding. That made a threatening impression upon the locals who assembled near the Togliattiazot office. The police succeeded in achieving its goal. The picket was actually foiled.

The same day activists of the Social and Ecological Union managed to make restitution of the equipment confiscated during the arrest as the Taman police had no legal grounds for its sequestration.

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