

March 09, 2018 14:11

March 09, 2018 13:10

March 09, 2018 10:00

March 09, 2018 09:33

  • A police officer. Photo by Yelena Sineok, Sources report detention of a namesake of former Dagestani leader

    Ramazan Abdulatipov, a senior field investigator from the Department for Economic Security and Counteracting Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) for Dagestan, was detained while taking a bribe, sources report. The information has not been confirmed officially.

March 09, 2018 05:49

  • A poster at the mourning evening. Photo by Tatyana Gantimurova for the "Caucasian Knot" In Moscow, activists honour victims of Balkars' deportation

    In Moscow, at an evening held in memory of the people who fell victim to the deportation of the Balkar people, Sulieta Kusova-Chukho, a culturologist and journalist, suggested restoring abandoned mountain auls (villages) to honour the memory of their ancestors.

March 09, 2018 01:51

March 08, 2018 23:56

  • Tulips. Photo Sputnik / Said Tsarnaev March 8 celebration splits North Caucasians

    From their religious viewpoint, residents of Dagestan and Chechnya have no uniform opinion about the celebration of the International Women's Day. The residents of Kabardino-Balkaria interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" have recalled the anniversary of Balkarians' deportation.

March 08, 2018 22:04

March 08, 2018 20:19

  • Madina Magomedova, an organizer of the action in Makhachkala. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent Protesters demand Vasiliev's help in searching missing Dagestanis

    About 20 people went out to an unsanctioned action in Makhachkala, demanding to punish those guilty of killing Gasanguseinov brothers and clarify the fate of others missing. They handed their appeal addressed to Vladimir Vasiliev, the acting head of Dagestan, to Mayoralty employees.

March 08, 2018 16:59

  • The transgenderers' rally in Tbilisi. March 8, 2018. Photo: Sputnik / Denis Aslanov LGBT opponents throw eggs at Tbilisi transgenders

    The transgenderers, who gathered today in front of the Georgian Ministry of Justice, have demanded the right to indicate in their personal documents the gender to which they relate themselves. The police detained one of the men, who threw eggs at the transgenders.

March 08, 2018 14:40

  • The deportation. Photo: public heritage KBR marks 74th anniversary of Balkars' deportation

    74 years ago, on March 8, 1944, almost 38,000 ethnic Balkars, of which more than half were children, were moved from Kabardino-Balkaria to Central Asia. A rally in memory of the victims of the repression took place in Nalchik.

March 08, 2018 14:15

  • Zalina Gabibulaeva, a resident of Dagestan. Screenshot of the video by the "Dozhd" (Rain) TV Channel "Dozhd": Dagestan and Chechnya treat former IS residents in different ways

    Women who returned from the terrorist "Islamic State" (IS, banned in Russia) live normal lives in Chechnya, while in Dagestan and Ingushetia, they and their family member face special treatment. The "Dozh" (Rain) TV Channel reported about the life of those who voluntarily returned to the Caucasus under the guarantees of the authorities.

March 08, 2018 00:13

  • Ilgar Mamedov. Photo by Aziz Karimov for the "Caucasian Knot" ECtHR dismisses appeal filed by Azerbaijan in Ilgar Mamedov's case

    The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) refused to consider an appeal filed by the Azerbaijani authorities against the verdict in the case against Ilgar Mamedov, the leader of the movement "Republican Alternative" (ReAl). The ECtHR's decision came into force, and Ilgar Mamedov is to be released, state his advocates.

March 07, 2018 21:58

  • A Mi-8 helicopter. Photo: Alex Beltyukov (RFE/RL) Three survivors in helicopter crash in Chechnya

    Overall, there were nine persons on board of the Mi-8 helicopter that crashed in the Itum-Kala District, the Military Commander's Office (MCO) of Chechnya has reported. Two border guards managed to jump off the helicopter before the crash; another soldier was hospitalized with traumas.

March 07, 2018 21:25

March 07, 2018 18:49

March 07, 2018 17:07

March 07, 2018 15:26

  • The Mi-8 helicopter. Photo © Sputnik / Vitaly Ankov Six persons perish in helicopter crash in Chechnya

    Six persons have perished and one was seriously injured in a helicopter crash that occurred in Southern Chechnya, a source from the headquarters deployed at the accident venue near the village of Shatoi has reported as quoted by the "Interfax".

March 07, 2018 15:15

  • Tbilisi. Georgia. Photo: REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili Germany imposes restriction on reception of refugees from Georgia

    Georgia has become a safe country; and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Germany will restrict the granting asylum to its citizens. Georgian officials see no threat to the visa-free travel regime in the context of the growing number of violations committed by its migrants in Germany.

March 07, 2018 09:42

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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