

June 03, 2020 23:53

June 03, 2020 23:51

June 03, 2020 17:51

  • Women and children in a truck. Syria, October 2019. Photo: REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi Chechen woman accused of links with Syrian militants

    Law enforcers have put a female resident of Chechnya, accused of links with militants in Syria, on the wanted list. She left Chechnya after her husband, who had fought for militants, and then disappeared with her children, her relatives assert.

June 03, 2020 17:47

June 03, 2020 17:43

  • A rally against political repressions held in Rostov-on-Don. May 5, 2019. Photo by Konstantin Volgin for the "Caucasian Knot" Northern Caucasus is supplier of political prisoners

    Russia witnesses a growth of the number of political prisoners, including from the regions of Northern Caucasus, the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" has noted in its report. Among those recognized as political prisoners are the Chechen human rights defender, Oyub Titiev, the journalist of the "Caucasian Knot", Zhalaudi Geriev, and the Dagestani journalist, Abdulmumin Gadjiev.

June 03, 2020 11:32

  • The border between Azerbaijan and Dagestan. Screenshot of the video by Median TV 120 Azerbaijani citizens back in homeland from Dagestan

    More than 600 Azerbaijani citizens are still on the border with Dagestan after 120 of their countrymen were taken home, said Elnur Guseinov, the vice president of the Union of Russian Azerbaijanis. People are building self-made housing and suffer from heat and unsanitary conditions, Asim Tagiev, a resident of the campground, has informed.

June 03, 2020 11:29

June 03, 2020 11:24

  • Believers during a prayer. Photo: REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch Dagestani and Ingush believers think that mosque reopening was premature

    The proposal of the Russian Spiritual Administration of Muslims (SAM) found no support among the Muslims of Dagestan and Ingushetia interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot". They believe that clergymen should not hope for the observance of security measures by believers visiting mosques. The Imams of Makhachkala mosques prefer to wait for epidemiologists' conclusions.

June 03, 2020 11:14

June 02, 2020 23:56

June 02, 2020 23:52

  • Ingush activist Rezvan Ozdoev was set free on the day of his conviction. Screenshot Ingush activist Rezvan Ozdoev set free on day of his conviction

    In the Stavropol Territory, the court found Rezvan Ozdoev, a participant of a rally in Magas, guilty of attacking a law enforcer. The defendant was sentenced to imprisonment in a penal colony, but was set free, because he had spent a year in a SIZO (pre-trial prison).

June 02, 2020 20:22

June 02, 2020 20:18

  • The man who apologized to inspectors of the patrol-and-post service (known as PPS) in Dagestan. Screenshot of the post on mvd.dagestan account on Instagram Forced apologies contradict traditions of Dagestan

    While commenting on a video, in which a resident of Dagestan apologized for his harsh remarks addressed to policemen, retired law enforcers have noted that the practice of public apologies will not take root in Dagestan. Local traditions accept only the sincere recognition of one's mistakes, the leader of the Dagestani law enforcers' trade union emphasizes.

June 02, 2020 20:13

June 02, 2020 20:09

  • The meeting of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, with hospital chief physicians. Screenshot of the report by the "Grozny" TV Channel Residents of Chechnya draw attention to authorities' ignoring mask regime

    All the participants of the meeting of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, with hospital chief physicians, a report about which was shown by the "Grozny" TV Channel, were without medical masks. The mandatory mask regime is ignored by officials and doctors themselves, residents of the republic were indignant.

June 02, 2020 17:16

June 02, 2020 17:14

June 02, 2020 17:12

  • Students' action in Baku ends with fines and arrests

    Six Azerbaijani students, who held an action in Baku, demanding to cancel summer exams and liberate students from paying for the second semester due to the coronavirus epidemic, have been fined for violating the quarantine regime. One of them was arrested for 15 days for disobeying the police.

June 02, 2020 11:30

June 02, 2020 11:27

  • A mosque in Nalchik. Photo: Nalchick, KBR not to open mosques amid growing numbers of COVID-19 infections

    The coronavirus morbidity in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) does not allow restarting collective prayers in the republic's mosques, Alim Sizhazhev, Deputy Mufti of the KBR, has announced. Believers have met the decision of the Muftiate with understanding, but they anticipate the mosque reopening.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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