

December 03, 2009 23:10

December 03, 2009 23:00

December 03, 2009 22:00

December 03, 2009 22:00

  • March to take place in Yerevan on Human Rights Defence Day

    On December 10, the International Human Rights Defence Day, the Armenian Committee for Defence of Political Prisoners and Victims of Repressions will hold a march against injustice and illegal actions with a demand to release the requirement of clearing of activists of opposition.

December 03, 2009 22:00

  • Dagestan: election results cancelled in Derbent

    Today, the City Court of Derbent has nullified the protocols of election of the city Mayor, held on October 11, for all local electoral commissions and the total protocol of the territorial electoral commission of the city of Derbent.

December 03, 2009 21:00

December 03, 2009 20:00

December 03, 2009 19:00

December 03, 2009 18:00

December 02, 2009 23:20

  • Imprisoned Azerbaijani journalist demands independent examination

    Mushvig Guseinov, imprisoned journalist of the newspaper "Bizim Yol" (Our Way), who suffers from tuberculosis, is indignant by statements of the officials of the Azerbaijani Penitentiary Service that his health condition has normalized. "They just want me to die," Mushvig said yesterday in a telephone conversation with his relatives, as reported by his sister Dilbyar Guseinova.

December 02, 2009 23:00

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of November 23-29

    Exchange of militant statements between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the destiny of Karabakh; situation with public human rights organizations in Chechnya and resonant murders in Northern Caucasus; terror acts against trains in Dagestan and Novgorod Region, - look up these and other events in the review of the week of November 23-29 in Caucasian regions prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

December 02, 2009 23:00

December 02, 2009 23:00

  • Opinions differ as to the Public Commission on Chechnya

    The message about the intention of a number of Russian human rights organizations to set up the Public Commission for monitoring the situation with observance of human rights in the territory of the Chechen Republic has caused contradictory reactions in the republic. Some members of local human rights NGOs saw in this initiative a sort of encroachment of "Varangians" on their sphere of influence; others believe that the commission will help local residents.

December 02, 2009 22:20

  • Forum in Nalchik defines family traditions as important factor of Russia's family policy

    The section "Family and Public Health" of the Forum "Caucasus. Traditions and Modernization", held on November 30 in Kabardino-Balkaria, discussed the issue of preserving the Caucasian family values at the background of modernization of the rest of the life. In the opinion of singer Varvara, mother of four children, these values are surely exemplary. Other debated topics were social problems, health of the population and demography.

December 02, 2009 22:00

December 02, 2009 21:00

December 02, 2009 20:00

December 02, 2009 19:00

  • Azerbaijan, Baku. Photo by Azerbaijani blogosphere discusses convicted bloggers

    The arrest and subsequent imprisonment of the young bloggers Emin Milli and Adnan Gadjizade, convicted for hooliganism and inflicting bodily injuries, has not resulted in any decrease of critical ideas in the blogosphere of Azerbaijan. This is proved by the analysis of blogs and interviews conducted by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent among civil society figures, experts and bloggers.

December 02, 2009 18:00

  • Strike picket in defense of Utrish nature reserve to be. Krasnodar, December 2, 2009. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Picket in defence of Utrish held in Krasnodar

    On December 1 in Krasnodar, opposite the building of the Forestry Department of the Krasnodar Territory, a picket was held in defence of the would-be Utrish Natural Reserve. Activists demanded, in particular, to stop construction of the so-called "anti-fire" road, where, in their opinion, relic forests are felled.

December 01, 2009 23:20

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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