

November 18, 2011 18:00

  • Investigation considers that Suleimanov suspected of Budanov's murder has another surname

    During investigation it emerged that Magomed Suleimanov arrested for suspicion of murder of colonel Yury Budanov may really be Yusup Temirkhanov. After finding out the suspect's real name representatives of the investigation state that the motive for the murder was Temirkhanov's personal revenge for his relative who perished during combat operations in Chechnya.

November 17, 2011 23:40

November 17, 2011 23:40

November 17, 2011 23:10

November 17, 2011 23:00

  • In Rostov Region, testing reveals students' drug use

    Testing for drug use of students of primary and secondary professional education institutions of the Rostov Region has identified cases of use of banned products among teenagers of the Rostov Region. This was reported on November 16 by Tatiana Bykovskaya, Regional Minister of Health. According to her, the testing identified 37 such teenagers; 3000 teenagers refused to participate in the event.

November 17, 2011 22:50

November 17, 2011 22:40

  • Six men arrested in case of minor's rape in Kabardino-Balkaria

    In Kabardino-Balkaria, six figurants in the case of a rape of an underage girl in a village of the republic have been already arrested. This was reported today by Valery Ustov, Chief of the Investigatory Department of the Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR).

November 17, 2011 22:30

November 17, 2011 22:10

November 17, 2011 22:00

  • Poet Ruslan Akhtakhanov buried in Chechnya

    The funeral of the poet Ruslan Akhtakhanov killed in Moscow was conducted in the village of Znamenskoye of the Nadterechny District of Chechnya, where he was born. Opinions of the representatives of the Chechen Diaspora on the causes of murder have differed: some people explain it by the nationalists' revenge for Colonel Yuri Budanov's murder; the others blame representatives of the very Chechen Diaspora.

November 17, 2011 20:00

November 17, 2011 19:00

November 17, 2011 18:00

  • The forth journalists' contest "Na/Ne" started in Yerevan

    The fourth contest of journalists' works "Na/Ne" started in Armenia. The goal of the contest is studying materials from mass media on women's activities and achievements in the sphere of politics, social life and economy during the year and growth of the interest to this issue in the future.

November 16, 2011 23:30

November 16, 2011 23:10

  • In Baku, all detained oppositionists back at large

    All the 14 oppositional activists detained on November 15 during the protest action in the centre of Baku, demanding release of political prisoners in the evening of that day, were released from the police station after a warning. This was reported by Gezyal Bairamly, Deputy Chair of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA).

November 16, 2011 23:00

November 16, 2011 22:50

  • World Bank lends 50 million US dollars to Azerbaijan to help IDPs

    Azerbaijan and World Bank (WB) signed a loan agreement amounted to 50 million US dollars for the project to improve living conditions of internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the zone of the Karabakh conflict. The loan is given for 20 years with a five-year grace period.

November 16, 2011 22:40

  • Police failure to detain suspect of Sulim Yamadaev's murder is actively discussed in Russian blogosphere

    In Moscow, a waiter of the restaurant "Sheikh's Treasure" found a pistol. It was revealed that the pistol belonged to Zelimkhan Mazaev, who was put in international wanted list by the United Arab Emirates for the murder of Sulim Yamadaev, Hero of Russia. However, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), Zelimkhan Mazaev is not listed in the Russian wanted lists. This was reported by a source from the law enforcement bodies.

November 16, 2011 22:30

  • Picket against raising utility tariffs in Rostov-on-Don, November 16, 2011. Courtesy of the organizers Zverevo residents picket Rostov-on-Don administration building

    Residents of the city of Zverevo of the Rostov Region again started daily picket in Rostov-on-Don. Pensioners and former miners demand to respond to the audit of the Housing conducted in the city concerning the revision of utility rates, regulations, and preferences for heating. However, the Regional Ministry of Housing states that this information will be ready by the end of the week.

November 16, 2011 22:20

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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