24 December 2007, 17:55

Volgograd Region: old people short rationed at their boarding house

For two years already, the Prosecutor's Office of the Kikvidzenskiy District, Volgograd Region, is trying to put things in order at the Macheshanskiy boarding house for aged people and invalids. The latest inspection has shown that the rights of the people who are living in the boarding house are still violently broken.

"On the initiative of the Prosecutor's Office, for various violations of the legislation, 10 employees of the facility were brought to disciplinary responsibility, two more - to administrative one, and former director Degtiaryova, E. N., this August was convicted for plunder of commodity-material values," L. I. Sergeeva, senior assistant to the Regional Public Prosecutor, said in her interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. She said that Degtiaryova was charged of swindle, i.e., plunder by deceit or abuse of trust to the sum of 10,000 roubles. The court has applied penal sanctions to her as punishment.

"Despite all the sanctions, the rights of the invalids and elderly persons who inhabit the boarding house are still broken," Lydia Sergeeva has stated. "Another regular inspection, held by the Prosecutor's Office in November 2007, revealed a number of violations, this time connected with catering."

It was found out that the aged people and invalids received less cereal, flour, vegetables and fruits, juices, sausages, fish, meat, butter, eggs, sour-milk and other products that the norms prescribe. Foodstuffs were purchased with violations of the established regulations. The employees of the boarding house had no sanitary certificates.

Author: Vyacheslav Yashchenko, CK correspondent

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