04 April 2009, 13:00
Abkhazian athletes rejected visas by Spanish embassy in Moscow
Rafael Ampar, Chairman of the State Committee for Youth and Sports of Abkhazia, told journalists that the embassy of Spain in Moscow has refused to grant visas to Abkhazian mini-footballers who planned to debut in the annual Futzal Cup of Europe - Cup of Nations.
According to Mr Ampar, on March 18, players from Abkhazia who have Russian citizenship addressed the embassy of Spain in Moscow for their visas. However, on March 27, their documents were returned and visas rejected.
"For Abkhazian footballers, the very fact of invitation to this tournament is a great chance, however, persistence of European representative offices and ethnic-based discrimination deprives them of the opportunity to take part in European-level competitions," said Rafael Ampar in his comment on the embassy's refusal.
The Abkhazian MFA plans to start a database of visa refusals to republic's citizens in order to take respective measures for defending the interests of its citizens.
Author: Angela Kuchuberia Source: CK correspondent