11 April 2009, 10:00
Patriarch of Georgia apologizes to Moslems for anti-Islamic statements placed in his website
The Georgian Patriarchy has apologized, on behalf of Elias II, head of Georgian Orthodox Church, to Moslems for the anti-Islamic statements, which appeared yesterday in the official website.
Yesterday, in the website of the Georgian Patriarchy, to the question: "Can a Christian marry a Moslem woman?" the answer was given: "No, as the Muslim doctrine teaches to worship to the devil. It is said in David's verse: "Never share meals with pagans." Now, this statement is removed.
In the opinion of Georgian Patriarch Elias II, the appearance of such "slanderous and offensive materials" in the Internet, and moreover - in the website of the Patriarchy, "is truly a devil's act." According to his story, "by doing so, someone wants to hammer a wedge between believers of two religions ", as the portal "Globalist" writes.
The Patriarch promised that the case will be investigated and those guilty will be punished. "But I think that it won't be their only punishment in this world, as they've already earned the Lord's punishment in the heavens," the "Islam.Ru" quotes the Georgian Patriarch as saying. "I apologize to my Moslim brothers."