22 October 2008, 12:52

Georgia condemns Russia for using cluster bombs

In its statement of October 21, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Georgia criticised Russia for using cluster bombs against peaceful population and invited the world community to hold an objective and fair investigation of all the circumstances of Russia's military aggression on Georgia.

The statement of Georgian MFA was published in response to the message of the MFA of the Netherlands that Stan Storimans, cameraman of the Dutch television, who perished on August 12 in the city of Gori, was killed by a Russian cluster bomb.

It was also noted that four peaceful citizens perished together with the cameraman.

"It is necessary to note that the officials of the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation have repeatedly denied the use of cluster weapons during their military aggression against Georgia," runs the statement as quoted by the IA "News-Georgia".

We remind you that the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs is going to advance the initiative to prevent destruction of civilians from cluster ammunition in the future. The Netherlands will raise this issue at the Permanent Board of the OSCE.

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