26 September 2008, 14:22
Volgograd Region to become Russia-China transit point
Supposedly, the international transport corridor Russia - Kazakhstan - China will go across the Volgograd Region. The point was discussed at the 5th Forum of the heads of the pre-border regions of Russia and Kazakhstan, which took place on September 21-22 in the city of Aktobe.
"Upon my proposal, a working group was set up to deal with the construction of this route. It will pass either via Leninsk or via Pallasovka," said Nikolai Maksyuta, Governor the Volgograd Region, when talking to journalists.
Mr Governor said that at the Forum the attention of the top managers of the pre-border regions was also attracted by the project to build an East-West transport bridge, which was presented by Mayoralty of city of Volzhskiy. It proposes designing a highly promising route capable to ensure direct automobile communication Russia - Kazakhstan - China. One of possible directions looks like that: Rostov-on-Don - Volgograd - Vishnevka - Dzhanybek - Aktobe with subsequent exit to the border with the People's Republic of China along the existing transport highways of the Republic Kazakhstan.
According to the Governor of the Volgograd Region, the embodiment of this project could allow making the Russian transport system of Russia more attractive for freight transits, including transportation of oil and gas.
Author: Oksana Grabarova, CK correspondent