26 August 2008, 12:43

Residents of South and North Ossetia congratulate each other on Russia's recognition of South Ossetia's independence

Residents of South and North Ossetia congratulate each other on the occasion of recognition by Russia of the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Already in the first minutes after the television address of the RF's President, in which he stated that he had signed decrees on Russia's recognition of Abkhazia's and South Ossetia's independence, telephone communication started to fail both in Vladikavkaz and Tskhinvali: stations cannot cope with the inflow of congratulatory calls. In the streets of Vladikavkaz people tell each other this news, embrace each other, many of them are in tears.

The working day in Vladikavkaz is disrupted. City dwellers leave their offices to share the joy with each other. Cars with Ossetian and Russian flags hoisted from windows are already touring the city, drivers give signals, and the specialized shop selling fireworks and petards fears not to have enough stock till the evening, the "Izvestia.Ru" writes.

Residents of Tskhinvali have also met Russian President Dmitri Medvedev's statement on recognition of South Ossetia's independence of triumph have. Cars decorated with Russian and South-Ossetian flags are driving around city's streets. Almost in all the districts of the city salute volleys from automatic fire-arms are heard in honour of this event, historical for the fate of the nation, the ITAR-TASS repots.

Local residents, basically of private houses, have taken musical instruments - accordions and drums - out to their yards, young people are dancing the Ossetian national dance Simd, people embrace and congratulate each other that the eternal dream of South-Ossetian people has come true.

"For almost twenty years, we were striving for this, defending our legitimate right for independence in the battlefield and at international instances. We would like to hope that other countries will follow the noble and reasonable Russia's decision," the State Committee of South Ossetia for Information and Press quotes the President of South Ossetia Kokoity as saying.

Abkhazia is also exultant over recognition of its independence. One minute after the address of Russian President was broadcast by TV, shots from all types of fire-arms were heard. Signalling cars with flags of Abkhazia and Russia are touring the city. People get out to the streets of Sukhumi and congratulate each other, often with tears in their eyes, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.

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