30 July 2008, 21:33

New conflicts among Avars and Kumyks expected in Dagestan

On July 30, a delegation of republic's and district functionaries and clergy arrived to the village of Shushanovka, Kizilyourt district of Dagestan. Its aim is to reach a truce between the group of Avars and Kumyks who started a fight on July 25.

Eye-witnesses relayed to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the conflict started in the wood near the village of Sushanovka where 4 Avars and 15 Kumyks relaxed. At one moment, a dispute arose among them, which soon grew into a fight. The Avars were beaten, one of them phoned by a mobile to his acquaintance. More Avars soon arrived to the wood. They beat the Kumyks.

After the incident, the conflicting parties gathered peacefully in order to discuss the problem issues. At that moment 30 cars with Kumyks and militiamen arrived to the place of the gathering. A new fight started resulting in different knife wounds inflicted on three Avars. A sales-woman was hit in the head by a club. She did not take part in the fight but the eye-witnesses claim that she was beaten on the ground of her ethnic origin.

When Avars from nearby villages started to arrive, the Kumyks got into their cars and left.

About 3,000 residents live in the village of Shushanovka, 1,800 of them are Avars. The situation there remains tense because the initiators and active participants in the fight have not been detained.

Author: Ahmed Magomedov, CK correspondent

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