Domestic violence. Photo:

30 December 2023, 21:16

Human rights defender summarizes differences in “honour killings” in regions of Northern Caucasus

In her report dedicated to the problem of domestic violence human rights defender Saida Sirazhudinova notes that the problem of killings of women by their relatives remains acute in Dagestan, Ingushetia, and Chechnya. The problem of bride kidnapping also remains relevant in the republics.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported that the problem of domestic violence in Dagestan, Ingushetia, and Chechnya affects women of different ages, but mostly young women under 30 try to escape from it. At the same time, the problem of so-called “honour killings” is also relevant, human rights defenders from the “Ad Rem” team indicate in their report released in November.

The motives for murdering women remain “honour killings” and killings for “shame” and “immoral behaviour,” notes Saida Sirazhudinova, the president of the Centre for the Study of Global Issues of Contemporary and Regional Problems “Caucasus. World. Development”, in her report entitled “Domestic Violence in Northern Caucasus: a report on results of monitoring the situation in the region and analysis of judicial practice.”

In Chechnya, criminals often attempt to declare the victim’s immorality and thereby achieve a reduced sentence. In Dagestan, it is often difficult to understand whether a crime was an “honour killing” and what the true criminal’s motive was.

According to the human rights defender’s report, “honour killings” are the dominant motive for killing women in Chechnya.

In Dagestan, murders of women by strangers occur much more often, and there are many cases of murders during quarrels and during the theft of property.

Dagestan is also distinguished by the practice of genital mutilation of women and girls, which is based on traditions and a specific interpretation of religion. “This form of violence against children still finds support among part of the population of the republic,” the report states.

In Ingushetia, like in Chechnya, the threat to women more often comes from the family itself, and women are protected from external threats emanating from strange civilians.

The only noticeable changes are “a reduction, but far from eradication, of the problem of bride kidnapping.”

The author of the report emphasizes that to change the situation for the better, “constant monitoring and control of the situation” is necessary.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on December 29, 2023 at 07:57 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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