01 June 2007, 16:07

"Nord-Ost" organization: investigation of Dubrovka terror act is dragged on

Tatiana Karpova, co-chair of the "Nord-Ost" regional public organization for promoting defence of terrorism victims, considers that the investigation into the Dubrovka act of terror will not be stopped, but protracted in all possible ways: "The fact that they have suspended the investigation, first of all means that we are now deprived of the right to lodge any petitions to the Public Prosecutor's Office."

The message of the RIA "Novosti" states, with a reference to advocate Trunov, that the investigation was suspended "because of a failure to establish the whereabouts of the defendants." The advocate told the Agency that the document of the Prosecutor's Office runs that Gerikhan Dudaev and Hasan Zakaev have been announced into search.

"We categorically disagree with the suspension of the investigation, and we shall appeal against this decision in the judicial order. We think that the investigation into the Dubrovka terror act was inadequately conducted," Mr. Trunov said.

The advocate has added that the document of the Public Prosecutor's Office runs that "Basaev organized a criminal group for committing the act of terror, but he was killed at the explosion." The document further reports that at least 52 militants took part in the terrorist action, and 40 of them were liquidated in the course of a special operation. Therefore, it turns out that 12 terrorists have disappeared, but only two have been announced into search," advocate Trunov has noted.

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