12 April 2007, 22:45

Mufti of Adygea is against repatriates' participation in religious activity

"Adygeis-repatriates should not be religion servants in Adygea and take post if imams, Nurbij Emizh, Mufti of Adygea and Krasnodar Territory, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. In his words, "they are of different mentality."

"This statement (...) contradicts both the Russian legislation and the norms of Islam and universal norms," Ramadan Tsei, one of repatriates with higher religious education who has tensions with Emizh, said in his talk with the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. "Under the Russian law, the Adygeis who live abroad have the right to return to their historical homeland and get engaged in any legitimate activity. If a repatriate has religious education, where else can he find employment outside the religious sphere? However, Mr. Emizh wouldn't agree to this. Why? Because whoever of repatriates becomes a religion servant, he will know more than Emizh about religion. He will look poor against people with religious education."

Candidate of History Sergey Markedonov, head of the department of interethnic problems at the Institute of Political and Military Analysis (Moscow) and a member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, wrote in his article "Return to the Caucasus," published in humanitarian magazine "Apologia": "Among the leaders of the Spiritual Department of Moslems (SDM) in the Caucasus, there are representatives of such 'remarkable' trades like cattleman and truck driver. It is clear that professions of this sort do not dispose to theology and theological disputes. Therefore, the people representing the renovated Islam were winners even in theological argumentation..."

Author: Asia Salyamova, CK correspondent

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