29 April 2021, 10:59
Instagram users complain about extortions in Chechen medical institutions
A message from a Shali woman, who complained that doctors of the local hospital are incompetent and claim money even for services that are supposed to be provided for free, was posted on the Instagram. Users sympathize with the woman and share their own negative impressions of visiting Chechen medical institutions.
The above woman from Shali has described her personal experience of visiting the Shali Central District Hospital and accused its employees of incompetence, poor treatment of patients and extortions. Her message was posted in the Instagram public revizorro095.
"At every step they claim money from you. You get registered – pay 1000 roubles. If you gibe your assays – pay for them, although I went to the place where I'm registered," the author of the message has stated.
Users have expressed sympathy to the woman and reported about their own similar cases, while not always specifying the particular medical institution in question. "For each appointment you should pay some 1000 or 500 roubles. And at the same time, not a single doctor is in place," the user sedachra.1 has written.
"They really take money for tests and for an ultrasound examination. Two years ago, only when registering for tests and ultrasound examination I had to pay about 5000 roubles," the user masaeva_aza has shared her experience.
This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on April 29, 2021 at 06:16 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.