Jostlement in Dagestan, February 1, 2019. Screenshot from video at:

02 February 2019, 08:29

Kerimov's almsgiving results in jostlement in Derbent

Several Derbent townspeople have suffered in a charity event organized by Senator (Member of the Federation Council) Suleiman Kerimov, after which the police stopped the food distribution.

A message about the incident in Derbent has arrived at the SMS-service of the "Caucasian Knot": "Today, in Derbent, during the distribution of Kerimov's Sadaqah (alms, – note of the "Caucasian Knot"), a jostlement took place," the message reads.

Foodstuffs from Suleiman Kerimov were distributed on February 1 as Sadaqah at the mosque located in Agasiev Avenue. Some people felt bad in the crowd; an ambulance was called to them. The policemen, arriving at the venue, banned the further almsgiving. The camion drove away, but people followed it, the TV Channel "360º" has reported in its website.

The video posted by the "360º" Channel on the "YouTube" shows a crowd squashing behind the opened back door of the camion. Two men are standing in the door. "Come on, close it! Close the door! Get back, back!" some people are shouting. A policeman stands in the crowd, making closing gestures with his hands. The men jump off the van and, despite the crowd's pressure, manage to close the back door of the camion. "Why are you not giving?" a woman asks from the crowd. "Because it's a mess here!" someone answers.

"And it was all because of a package of flour and a pack of sugar," says the message posted in the "Voice of Dagestan" page on the Instagram. The accompanying video shows hundreds of people surrounding the camion bearing the words "Alms from Suleiman Kerimov".

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on February 1, 2019 at 07:57 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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