Special operation. Photo: press service of National Antiterrorist Committee, http://nac.gov.ru

04 June 2018, 13:32

On May 28-June 3, one person fell victim to armed conflict in Northern Caucasus

During the week from May 28 to June 3, 2018, in the armed conflict in Northern Caucasus, at least one person was killed; no information about wounded was received. These are the results of the calculations run by the "Caucasian Knot", based on its own materials and information from other open sources.

The casualty is an alleged member of the armed underground in Dagestan.

Special and counterterrorist operations

On June 3, at 4:15 a.m. Moscow time, a part of the Tsumadin District of Dagestan, including the dwelling settlements of Kvanada and Gimerso, was put under the counterterrorist operation (CTO) regime. In the course of the CTO, law enforcers found a militant, who refused to lay down his arms, launched a shootout, and was shot dead. He was pre-identified as the leader of the "Tsumadin" grouping of militants. Ammunition and weapons were found at the venue of the shootout. There are no losses among civilians and law enforcers. The casualty is Shamil Aliev, a 28-year-old native of the Stavropol Territory, a resident of the village of Kvanada, said the online resource "Operative Line", which is supporting law enforcers.

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