Electricians at work. Photo www.riadagestan.ru

11 August 2017, 16:05

Power engineers demand from Makhachkala residents to cover debt over 850,000 roubles

Electricity supply is periodically cut off in the area of the dacha community of Krivaya Balka near Makhachkala, and thus water supply stops. The power sales company announces a large debt, the trial for recovery of which has been started today.

On August 8, the "Caucasian Knot" got the information about the power supply cut-off in the village. An author of the message has reported that the village is completely left without power supply, although the majority of summer residents "annually make all the payments in full."

In Makhachkala, there are almost no garden communities without debts, reported Rukiyat Ibragimova, the chief of the department for public relations, authorities and mass media of the "Dagestani Power Sales Company".

According to the Arbitration Court of Dagestan, the "Dagestan Power Sales Company" claims for recovery of 853,274 roubles. The debt accumulated from June 1 to October 31, 2016, noted Feride Alipulatova, the press secretary for the Court.

A power supply cut-off actually took place in Krivaya Balka on August 8. However, on the other day, the electricity supply was restored. This was reported by Khasan Aliev, the director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise (MUE) "Sadovnik".

According to him, there are 63 garden communities and about 15,000 suburban land plots in the area of Krivaya Balka.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Timur Isaev Source: CK correspondent

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