Women's volleyball players. Photo: http://www.volley.ru/albums/681/

01 April 2016, 08:15

Russia appeals against behaviour of Turkish fans at match with Krasnodar "Dynamo"

The Russian Volleyball Federation has filed a protest in connection with the incident in Istanbul during the final match of the European Confederation of Volleyball (ECV) Cup of the local "Galatasaray" with the "Dynamo" from Krasnodar, Vitaly Mutko, the Russian Sports Minister, have stated. The Turkish club has accused the player Tatiana Kosheleva and Russian mass media of slander.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that after the first final match in Istanbul on March 29, the attacker of Krasnodar "Dynamo" Tatiana Kosheleva wrote on her page in the Instagram that "Galatasaray" fans threw foreign objects at the guest team; and the Turkish coach showed an insulting gesture to Russian players.

The behaviour of Turkish fans has been protested against, Minister Vitaly Mutko said on March 31.

"Naturally, our federation has lodged a protest demanding to apply appropriate disciplinary measures to the hosts. Of course, this is an unprecedented case of such boorish behaviour of the fans in relation to the team, moreover, a women's team," the "Interfax" quotes the Minister.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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