Books at the mosque in Kotrov Street. Photo by Magomed Tuayev for the ‘Caucasian Knot’.

27 November 2015, 05:28

Believers report on seizure of books from mosque in Kotrov Street

In Makhachkala, law enforcers have seized books from the mosque in Kotrov Street, where the Imam was replaced by the decision of the Dagestani Muftiyat. Meanwhile, the believers claim that no extremist literature was stored at the mosque.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on November 20, the conflict occurred over the Salafi mosque located in Kotrov Street. On that day, according to believers, representatives of the Dagestani Spiritual Administration of Muslims (SAM) dismissed the legitimately elected Imam and appointed their Imam. A fight occurred at the mosque. Some believers were brought to the police station.

Most of the books, seized from the mosque "An-Nadiriya", contain ayats (verses) from the Koran and the khadises stories about statements and acts of the Prophet Muhammad. This was told to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent by a student of the Faculty of Theology, who preferred to remain anonymous.

"Most of the books contain ayats of the Koran and khadises of the Prophet Muhammad, books on the correct reading, teaching the Koran. This act is similar to the acts of Inquisition, and to reach the complete resemblance, they just need to light a bonfire in the yard of the mosque to burn all the books, rejected by censors," the student has said.

According to a believer of the mosque in Kotrov Street, the situation at the mosque can be aggravated today, when a large number of believers will gather for the Friday sermon.

"The Spiritual Administration of Muslims (SAM) has been offered to roll back the situation to restore peace; they seemed to agree, but still follow their policy. In particularly, on Friday, the situation at the mosque can be aggravated," the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told by a man who preferred to remain anonymous.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Magomed Tuayev Source: CK correspondent

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