12 November 2012, 11:00
Statement of Cherkessian organizations on a disastrous situation of Cherkessian diaspora in Syria
The situation in Syria reached the critical point. It became evident that no hope for peaceful settlement of the conflict remained any longer. The situation is coming to its murderous apogee: people perish or become refugees, settlements are being destroyed.
A big Cherkessian diaspora that appeared as a result of exit of the Cherkessians from the Caucasus during the Russian-Cherkessian war of 1763 – 1864 lives in Syria.
According to the legislation of Russia, the Cherkessians of Syria are Russian compatriots.
The Cherkessians (Adygs) have repeatedly appealed to the authorities of the Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation for permission to return to the Caucasus, their native land. However, these requests have been ignored, both in the past and nowadays.
In the conditions of the war in Syria Russia demands from compatriots to produce a great number of documents which are impossible to obtain the country practically destroyed by the war. Overwhelming majority of these people have no money to pay for Russian visas, to say nothing of buying tickets.
The fate of the Cherkessians who managed to return to Russia (there are less than one thousand of them) is also vague after the date of expiry of their visas.
Besides, at present Russia has stopped issuing visas to the Cherkessians explaining that there are no more quotas. Which quotas can be spoken about in the conditions when an emergency humanitarian operation of the compatriots’ evacuation from the zone of military actions is necessary?
The Cherkessians are becoming victims of civil war in Syria. People go on perishing, among them old folk, women and children.
Presently a murderous tragedy is expanded in Cherkessian settlements of Bir-Ajam and Bariga located in the zone of the Golan Heights overfilled with Cherkessian refugees from all the regions of Syria.
Leaving the compatriots under the hatches and actual closing of the Russian borders for them doom them to death.
Further relations between Russia and many-millioned Cherkessian diaspora scattered over fifty countries and between the Cherkessian citizens of the Russian Federation and federal authority depend on whether the Russian Government will carry out its duty and come to the aid of the compatriots under the hatches and mortal danger. Ultimately, the further situation in Northern Caucasus depends on this.
We appeal to all the sons and daughters of the Cherkessian (Adyg) people to take all possible steps to draw the World’s attention to disastrous situation of the Cherkessians of Syria and salvation of the Cherkessian community of that country!
We demand from the Government of Russia at all the levels of executive and legislative power to take immediate steps for salvation of our compatriots in Syria, urgent humanitarian operation of evacuation of all the Cherkessians who wish from Syria to Russia!
November, 10, 2012
Murzakan Abubekir, Chairperson of civil organization “Adyge Khekuzh – Cherkessia / Murzek’an Abubekir, “Adyge Khekuzh” zhilag’ue zegukh’enyhem and Tkhemade
Tkhats Alii, Chairperson of Constituent Assembly “Patriots of Cherkessia”/ Tkhats Aly, “Adyge Khegegusekhe”-m Yazelheshklo Hasem Imkhe’mat
Kesh Ruslan, Coordinator of civil movement “Cherkessian Union”/Klesh Ruslan, Zek’uetynynge zhilag’ue zegukh’enyhem and guaze
Shukhov Zamir, civil movement “Khase” KBR/ Shykhue Zamit, “Khase” KBR and Tk’emadem and ku’edze
Tashu Evgeny, IA “Adyge Khekum” and makh’” “Voice of Cherkessia/ Tleshu Evheny, “Adyge Khekum” and makh’”
Chich Yunus, Informational Portal “Adyge Kheku” / Klykl Yunus, “Adyge Kheku
Yamisha Jonty, Executive Director, Nassip Foundation / Yemysh Jontiy, “Nassip” Fondym and Tkhemade
Gheduadge Saur, Tscherkessische Institun Muenchen e.V. Forsitzender /G’edyuadzhe Zaur, Munich Adyge shlenyg’e-kh’akhutaklue institutym and Tkhemade
Marziyat Tliunyaeva, civil movement “ALM-group” (Adygi Ludi Mira)/ Marziyat L’yuneiy – “Adygekher – Dunaiym its’yf
Source: IA “Adyge Khekum and makh. Voice of Cherkessia"
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