Participants of the "Russian Jogging" in the city of Mineralnye Vody, July 8, 2012. Photo by Veronica Borisova

10 July 2012, 10:00

About 50 people in Mineralnyye Vody took part in a "Russian jogging"

On July, 8, an action in form of a "Russian jogging" with the participation of about 50 persons, young people from different towns of Kavkazskiye Mineralnyye Vody (KMV), was held near Lenin memorial in the central square.

The activists in the square unfolded several different banners: a blue and yellow flag of Goriyachevodskaya Cossack community of Tersky Cossack army, the state tricolor with an image of a grinning bear and an inscription "Forward, Russia!", tzar black and yellow and white banners with a slogan "Glory to Russia!" and a red flag with a logo of the "Russian joggings".

The personnel of the Center of fight against extremism and Patrol and Point Duty Service were standing along the perimeter of the square.

One of the initiators of "Russian joggings" in KMV Oksana Borisova, activist of right patriotic movement famous in the region, better known under her internet nick Oksana Violava, spoke before the participants of the action.

"Our main idea is renaissance of the Russian people by means of healthy-life propaganda as well as disproof of the myth of genetical alcoholism of the Russian people… These actions ["Russian joggings"] must promote unity and rallying of Russian spirit. People ready to protect their motherland and their folk have gathered here!", she declared.

Then the young people having broken into column jogged along Lenin street and XX Party Congress street cheering themselves up by war chants "Forward, Russians!", "Until we are united we are unconquerable!", "The Russians choose sports!" down to General Yermolov memorial.

All the time they were accompanied by police patrol cars. In "Nadezhda" public garden, in front of the memorial, the participants of the action organized an athletic warm-up and public merrymaking "one wall against the other", then moved in column along 50th October Anniversary street to the neighbouring sports ground near municipal school No 7. There the activists continued their athletic exercises still accompanied by the police after which they peacefully broke up.

The "Russian joggings" have become regular, in particular in the towns of Stavropol region and Mineralnyye Vody, since last autumn, even in the wintertime. A source in security services of the region explained to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that they were in fact unauthorized actions, however there had been no incidents among their participants.

Author: Konstantin Olshanskiy Source: CK correspondent

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