Lake Sevan, Armenia. Photo by Nicholas Lan,

06 July 2012, 23:50

Armenian ecologists oppose the bill on increasing water intake from Lake Sevan

More than 50 organizations of the "Public Environmental Alliance" have sent a letter to Ovik Abramyan, Chairman of the National Assembly of Armenia, and Samvel Balasanyan, Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Agriculture and Environment, asking to nullify the decision to take out water from Lake Sevan. 20 public organizations of the Gegharkunik region have addressed Ovik Abramyan with the same request.

Let us remind you that the bill on taking the additional 150 million cubic meters of water from the lake was adopted on June 20 in the first reading by the National Assembly of Armenia. As a result, the total intake of water from Lake Sevan will reach 320 million cubic meters.

According to Mger Mkrtumyan, the head of the financial and economic department of the State Committee, the level of Lake Sevan as a result of such water intake will drop by 3-4 cm.

However, according to Akop Sanasaryan, the chairman of the "Union of Greens of Armenia", the water level will drop by 23-24 cm.

Local environmental and public organizations have criticized the decision.

The level of Lake Sevan in recent years has went up because of nature; however, there is no guarantee that the coming few years will not be drier and the level may not go down, the authors of the appeal write.

"We hope that the newly elected parliament will not start its work with adopting the laws, which trample on public interests, and will register the frivolous and biased attitude to the strategic priority of the country - Lake Sevan," says the letter of the "Public Environmental Alliance".

The ecologists ask to appoint an extended discussion, providing a chance to all the stakeholders to take part in it.

According to Professor Karine Danielyan, Doctor of Geographical Sciences and the chair of the Association "In the Name of Sustainable Development", in 2008, environmentalists managed to prove that huge water intakes were not reasonable, as there was no special drought that year. As a result, the government took out by 60 million cubic meters of water less than it had been planned.

The decision of the Government indicates an intention to take out up to 320 million cubic meters; and this volume could be corrected, said Ms Danielyan.

She added that the studies conducted by scientists jointly with the Ministry for Environment Protection have shown the high positive impact on improving the water status of the lake with the water level increase.

In her view, sharp fluctuations of the water level in the lake could adversely affect not only the environment but also the seismic situation. "This may lead to increased seismic risks in the region," said the professor.

"The lake itself is on a snap; and it's impossible to tell where we may get a response," said the ecologist.

Ms Danielyan asserts that the lake level is rising faster than expected; while the lakesides are not ready. According to her story, it was necessary to clean them in time, and remove all communication facilities. She noted that there are plenty of illegal constructions around Lake Sevan, despite the ban on building capital structures in the area.

"Nevertheless, oligarchs have erected their villas on the lakeside villas," said the ecologist, adding that developers are strongly lobbying "not to let the lake rise."

According to Knarik Ogannisyan, a candidate of technical sciences and an expert in water hydrology and ecology, Lake Sevan has not only the Republic's, but also regional strategic importance.

The researcher has also noted that Sevan faces a problem of pollution. It is known that five rivers flow into the lake; and only one river - the Razdan River - flows out. The lake catchment houses dwelling settlements with intensive agriculture. According to Ms Ogannisyan, this area drains wastewater into the lake contaminated with a variety of mineral and organic fertilizers. The most dangerous drains are from livestock farms, which is very difficult to purify.

Author: Armine Martirosyan Source: CK correspondent

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