Residents of Yerevan discuss, during a protest action, dismantling of the indoor marketplace, Yerevan, May 28, 2012. Photo by Armine Martirosyan for the "Caucasian Knot"

29 May 2012, 23:40

Yerevan hosts protest action against dismantling of market building

On May 28, in Yerevan, the civic initiative "Let's Save Market Hall" organized a protest action against dismantling of the market hall, located in the centre of the city and included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of Armenia.

The Market Hall is one of the most famous works of the architect Grigor Agababyan and is listed among historical and cultural monuments of Armenia. The activists decided to hold the action after at night of May 27 to 28, at the market territory, the works on dismantling the roof were begun.

In this March, construction works were started in the territory of the market. After the public outcry, the Yerevan Mayoralty revealed that the new owner of the building started the works for replacing the wooden elements of the roof without permission. By order of Taron Margaryan, Yerevan Mayor, a protocol on illegal conduct of the works has been completed, the works were stopped, and the building was brought under strict control.

The initiative group "Let's Save Market Hall", which was formed in the social network Facebook, has released a statement on the Internet that the dismantling of the monument continues.

"Vandalism in relation to the Market Hall continues. Despite the false assurances of officials that the construction works in the market territory were stopped, in last evening (May 27), irreparable damage to the architectural monument was inflicted once again, and that fact was recorded by video cameras," the statement of the activists reports.

The statement of the activists was handed over to the police.

More than 50 persons joined the protest action, demanding to stop the construction works in the territory of the market: apart from the members of the initiative group "Let's Save Market Hall", city residents, passing by, joined the protest action.

"In any case, we should not allow continuation of vandalism," stated Stepan Safaryan, the member of the "Heritage" faction.

He has also reported that Samvel Alexanyan, the deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia, is the new owner of the Market Hall. According to Stepan Safaryan, the new owner plans to build the supermarket "Yerevan CITY" on the place of the market.

According to the architect Arsen Karapetyan, the market building has been fully functional, and it should be subject to only small repair and rehabilitation of certain structures for its continued existence as the market.

"Nobody opposes reconstruction of the market building or construction of new structures in it; the very problem is how to do that," stated architect Sayat Petrosyan. According to him, the construction works in the market territory are being conducted illegally, since there is no construction project, there are no signboards with accompanying drawings, building permission, and no professional and public hearings were held.

Meanwhile, Yerevan residents controversially took information about the construction works in the market territory.

Karine Melkumyan, a tenant of a neighbouring house, says that, starting from the 90s, the market has lost its purpose: "The state neglected it to such a way that it was scary to go inside it." "It would be better if they eliminate that mess and build anything beautiful that we and guests of the city would be pleased to visit. The entire country was destroyed and rebuilt, and when it came to the market, people decided to raise a riot," emphasizes the woman.

Other tenants of neighbouring houses complain about constant dust, dirt, and noise in their yard.

According to Nelli Voskanyan, the market building is unsafe for pedestrians, since it is half-destroyed.

Meanwhile, Karine Akopyan, who has a 40-year work experience at the market, has noted that the developer had promised to save the profile of the building and to provide jobs to people, who wanted to get employed there. "At present, I'm unemployed; I wait for the end of the construction works, and I'll go to work there," said the woman.

Ruben Malayan, a participant of the protest action against the dismantling of the market, believes that the market in its original form was of great importance for the Yerevan residents.

"We are always photographed it from its front side. There, a beautiful coating, made by well-known sculptor, used to be installed, at present, it is absent: it was cut off and stolen, like the half of the roof was demolished. Destruction of the market is a direct proof of complete lawlessness," stated the protestor.

After the protest action, the market territory was visited by Arev Samuelyan, Deputy Minister of Culture, who stated that the destroyed part of the building should necessarily be restored. However, the Deputy Minister failed to clarify, whether the roof of the building demolished by itself or it was dismantled. "I will make the final conclusion only after careful study of the situation," state the official.

Meanwhile, Taron Margaryan, Yerevan Mayor, has posted a message on his Facebook page, confirming that the Mayoralty did not issue any permission for the construction works in the market building No. 1 in Mashtots Street.

Author: Armine Martirosyan Source: CK correspondent

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