Dagestan, Derbent. Photo by Eldar Rasulov, http://www.odnoselchane.ru

14 May 2012, 23:30

In Dagestan, a local resident reports about unidentified persons' attempt to kidnap him

On May 13, in the city of Derbent, an attempt was undertaken to kidnap Ramil Yarmagomedov, a resident of the city of Dagestanskie Ogni. He suspects that Dagestani special agents and law enforcers were involved and fears further provocations against him. The on duty unit of the Derbent GOVD (City Interior Department) said that on that day no special actions were conducted in the city.

His friend called Yarmagomedov before kidnapping attempt

Ramil Yarmagomedov told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the attempted kidnapping was preceded by a call from his friend Timur Aliev, a resident of Derbent, who appointed an emergency meeting in one of Derbent cafes.

"At the appointed time I came to Derbent; and when I was approaching the entrance to the cafe 'Khabibi', a white Lada Priora car with tinted glasses and no license plate drove up to me. A stranger got out and without introducing himself rudely ordered me to get into the car. He tried to grab me, and when I asked him what happened and who he was, he grasped my hands and body and tried to force me into the car," said Ramil Yarmagomedov.

"After driving for about 200 meters, I managed to jump out of their hands onto the front passenger seat and open the door trying to jump out," he continued his story.

"In their turn, the two men in the car tried to pull me back inside - one dragged me by the belt, the other - by my clothes. I started screaming and calling for help. Passers-by and nearby motorists stopped, interfered in the incident and didn't let the unidentified guys to kidnap me," said Yarmagomedov.

Eyewitnesses recognized policeman in one of kidnappers

After the failed attempt, the kidnappers left. "When people began approaching and tried to liberate me, the kidnapper, who was hitting me with his pistol grip on the head, triggered the bolt and pointed the pistol at the people, threatening them. At that moment, someone called him by name 'Malik' and added: 'Take you pistol away.' Then, he jumped into the car," said Ramil Yarmagomedov, adding that after that the car with the kidnappers left for some unknown place.

After the incident, Yarmagomedov tried to find Timur Aliev, but his relatives said they did not know where he was; they had been looking for him for several days. Yarmagomedov has emphasizes that he recognized the voice of Timur Aliev, and that it was he who called him; therefore he went to the appointment.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent has learnt at the Dagestani NGO "Pravozaschita" (Advocacy), where Ramil Yarmagomedov addressed with his application about the incident, that relatives of Timur Aliev reported that Timur left in the evening on May 11, along with another guy from Derbent, for Rostov-on-Don to visit his brother.

"Since then, neither his phone, nor the phone of the other guy do not answered. Relatives suspect that the young men were abducted by power agents," said an NGO activist.

Ramil Yarmagomedov asserts that he does not know on what could be the reason of the described incident. He wrote an application to the public prosecutor of the city of Derbent asking to defend his rights and punish those who tried to kidnap him.

Magomed Khanmagomedov, an employee of the newspaper "Chernovik", familiar with what had happened, said that the eyewitnesses of the attempt to kidnap Ramil Yarmagomedov recognized a Derbent policeman in one of the kidnappers, whom one of them treated as "Malik".

"I ascribe the incident to the fact that Ramil is a Salafi; however, he had been never registered as such before; and he had never been attracted by law enforcers earlier. This is not the first time that civilians fight back their brethren in faith," Mr Khanmagomedov said in his interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

The correspondent was told at the on duty unit of the Derbent ROVD that that they had no information on the incident and refused to comment on the fact that their employee might had been involved in the kidnapping. They added that the GOVD employees did not plan any special actions in the city on May 13.

Author: Karina Gadzhieva; Patimat Makhmudova Source: CK correspondents

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