Participants of the action "White Walk" in Krasnodar, May 13, 2012. Photo by Andrei Koshik for the "Caucasian Knot"

14 May 2012, 19:00

About 50 people gathered at a "folk festival" in Krasnodar

In the evening of Sunday, May, 13, an action in form of a concert and intercommunication of civil activists passed off opposite the building of Krasnodar regional administration. About 50 residents of the city took part in it, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.

Initially, the organizers planned to hold the action in the public garden named after Zhukov, across the road from regional administration. But the traditional "Dancing school with no rules" going on there and loud music made them move away to the administrative building.

"Maya Calendar" band and journalist Evgeny Titov who sang some of his own songs to a guitar performed before the participants. The activists distributed white balloons in the same place. There were white ribbons on the people's clothes, bags and even on the collar of a dog they brought to the meeting with them.

Rostislav Karamyshev, Head of the sector of target program maintenance, work with veterans and public relations of Krasnodar, was taking videos of the events. The police personnel headed by colonel Alexander Pokhodeno observed the civil activists' action without interfering.

After a two-hour concert the participants arranged a small picnic and a game with a balloon.

"Today we held an action of solidarity with Moscow, a "white walk", activist of "Yabloko" party Alexey Mandrigelia said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. -There were about 50 of us, people were coming and going. We distributed about one hundred balloons and white ribbons. Everyone was very enthusiastic".

According to Mandrigelia, there were no conflicts with the police, "we do not violate any regulations, so, they are afraid to touch us".

"The action is a very pleasant one, there is a friendly atmosphere, leader of youth department of regional branch of "Fair Russia" party Gennady Ufimtsev said. - People communicate, speak about their problems and interests. One should render one's due to the police: they do not enter into a conflict, just watch at a distance. Probably the authorities little by little started realizing that they are servants of the people, not their bosses".

Author: Andrei Koshik Source: CK correspondent

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