Barack for IDPs from North Ossetia, Ingushetia, refugee camp in the village of Ali-Yurt, September 24, 2011. Photo by Malika Batsaeva for the "Caucasian Knot"

27 April 2012, 23:50

Residents of TAC in Ingushetia are prescribed to abandon the territory

In the morning on April 25, the temporary accommodation centre (TAC) in the city of Karabulak in Ingushetia was visited by a group of local officials, who demanded from the tenants of "Promzhilbaza" to free the territory within three days. The residents are in shock and assert that they have nowhere to go. The officials, in their turn, claim that the tenants who have the refugee status will not be evicted.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent has learnt from Malika Djikhaeva, a TAC tenant, that she has four children; two of them are schoolchildren. "I've lived here since 1994 - from the start of the first military warfare in Chechnya. For the second year in a row I can't force local officials to extend my refugee status, which assumes state support and protection," she said.

According to her story, in total, the "Promzhilbaza" is inhabited by 47 families from Chechnya and 9 families from the Prigorodny District. Of them, 15 families were unable to extend their refugee status.

Elza Dikaeva is a Category I invalid and moves on prostheses. "I'm bringing up a child of 12 alone; I have a refugee status, but I have nowhere to go," she said.

Elza is not happy with the proposal of the administration to rent some housing, for which she may receive compensation in the amount of 50,000 roubles per year. "Do you know what the rental fees in Karabulak are? A one-room apartment on the first floor and above is 7800-8000 roubles per month; plus, the tenant pays all utility bills," she said.

The small housing compensation is not the only reason why Dikaeva does not want to leave the territory of "Promzhilbaza". "I can't walk for 50 meters by my own; and they want me to move out with all my belongings," said Elza Dikaeva.

Administration: nobody will evict those with refugee status

Mukhmad Bariev, the head of the administration of Karabulak, claims that nobody will evict refugees who have this status.

"We give three days for moving out to those, who have no refugee status and lead immoral life. We've defined a list of people who are rowdy all the time - we'll evict them," explained Mr Bariev.

According to his story, the list of persons who should leave the territory of "Promzhilbaza" contains those, who own their houses and those, who had received state support.

"There are people there from the Chechen Republic, who have their houses, and those, who have received state support. They have where to go, but they sit and wait for nobody knows what," said the official.

The people, who live in "Promzhilbaza" with no legal grounds, will have to solve their resettlement problems on their own. "We would be glad to help them, but we have no budget funds for these individuals. They'll have to solve this problem by themselves," Mukhmad Bariev has emphasized.

The members of the commission have offered the tenants with refugee status to rent housing; however, the latter refused, said the source of the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"We've obliged only those who live there illegally to abandon 'Promzhilbaza', and those, who have illegally seized the municipal housing facilities. The point is about ten rooms, which they occupy," said Akhmed Kolonkoev, deputy head of the administration of Karabulak.

According to his story, these people have no title documents on these housing facilities. Besides, they do not pay their utility bills. "Some of those who are subject to eviction have land plots, others have apartments. They just feel very convenient to live there," the official has added.

In total, according to Mr Kolonkoev, "Promzhilbaza" is inhabited by 85 families.

From time to time, power engineers cut electricity supplies off "Promzhilbaza". "They start calling and complaining to the government. They connect them again - this is the way they win the time; however, this situation can't last forever," said Kolonkoev.

Author: Elena Khrustaleva Source: CK correspondent

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