09 August 2011, 12:00

Residents of Abkhazia are coming to know the programs of the presidential candidates

Hustings are going on in Abkhazia. The presidential candidates meet with the electors, familiarize them with their programs and answer their questions.

Extraordinary presidential election will be held in Abkhazia on August, 26, in connection with the loss of President Sergey Bagapsh who died at the age of 63. There are three presidential aspirants: Vice-president Alexander Anquab, leader of the opposition Raul Khajimba and Prime Minister Sergey Shamba.

The “Caucasian Knot” correspondent inquired what the residents of Sukhum expected from the forthcoming election.

Resident of Sukhum Tamara Pogosyan said that she was well acquainted with the biographies of all the three candidates and their programs and had already decided on who she was going to vote for. The woman said she expected improvement of living standards in Abkhazia as a result of the election.

Our interlocutor Roza Petrosyan expressed her assurance that the election would go calmly, without any excesses, for she believed that “there are enough civilized people in Abkhazia who will not let any undesirable events happen”.

Resident of Sukhum Anatoly Adleiba declared that he knew every candidate and “all of them are good”. “But I think people will select the best, the one who tells less lies. Today there is neither discipline nor a firm hand in Abkhazia. The firmer they get down to business the more people will like it. This is just what we need”, he said.

“I feel sorry for the candidates for each of them has to speak three times a day in different corners of the republic in such a hot weather. And I feel particularly sorry for the ones who will lose because they are wasting so much efforts and energy. But someone has to lose in the long run”, Enver Khazirishi commented on the campaign and forthcoming election.

Konstantin Cholokua says that “if things go the way many candidates promise their electors the citizens of Abkhazia will need nothing else”. “But first of all the level of economy and people’s living standards must be raised, we need discipline and corruption should certainly be eliminated”, he said.

Pupil of a secondary school Dmitry expressed an opinion that “nothing will change after the election in Abkhazia”.

Valentina Leiba agrees with him: “As for me, I expect nothing from the election, she said. – I do not believe anything will change for the better for each of them had been able to implement changes but no one really did”.

Author: Angela Kuchuberia Source: CK correspondent

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