08 August 2011, 16:00

Russia submitted materials on the case of the events in South Osetia, 2008, to International criminal court

Copies of the materials of the criminal case on the events in South Osetia in August, 2008, were referred to Public prosecutor of International criminal court. This was reported by official representative of Committee of Inquiry of Russia (CIR) Vladimir Markin today. According to him, Russia demands making the Georgian officials guilty of crimes against citizens of the Russian Federation criminally liable.

Markin said that the investigators on this criminal case had been to South Osetia and Abkhazia on a business trip during which exhaustive evidence disproving the arguments of the Georgian party set forth in the lawsuit “Georgia vs. Russia” in UN International court was obtained.

According to Markin, copies of the materials of the criminal case have been submitted to Public prosecutor of International criminal court by the Russian party for solving the question of bringing the Georgian officials guilty of crimes against citizens of the Russian Federation to account. The representative of CIR emphasized that investigation of crimes against peace and safety of mankind was under the jurisdiction of this court, RIA “Novosti” reports.

According to the materials of the case, a lot of residents of South Osetia were killed or injured during the war in this republic, 655 dwelling houses were totally and 2 139 partially destroyed or burned down.

“Besides, objects of community facilities and life support, hospitals, children’s and educational institutions were completely or partially destroyed and over 16 thousand residents of the Republic of South Osetia, mostly citizens of the Russian Federation, had to leave the places of their permanent residence as a result”, ITAR-TASS quotes a release of Committee of Inquiry.

Materials on bombardment of a Russian peacemaking battalion in the South-Western suburbs of Thskhinval as a result of which 10 servicemen were killed and 40 wounded were also attached to the case.

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