30 July 2011, 15:00

17 teenagers accused of riots in juvenile colony in Krasnodar Territory

The court in the Krasnodar Territory will consider the case against 17 teenagers accused of organizing riots in a juvenile correctional facility in the city of Belorechensk.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Krasnodar Territory conducted an inspection and identified the violations in the juvenile correctional facility in Belorechensk, where on July 19 in the night convicts rioted. About 20 teenagers took part in the riots. They demanded weakening of the custodian control; in particular, they wanted to be released from the morning exercises. The convicts broke out several doors, smashed window glasses and broke beds and stools. The conflict had been resolved; according to the Russian Federal Service for Punishments Executives (FSIN), physical strength was not used.

According to the General Prosecutor's Office, in July 2011 and September 2010 in the juvenile correctional facility of Belorechensk in the Krasnodar Territory the riots took place with the participation of about 20 and 30 people, respectively. The convicts demanded weakening of the custodian control, in particular, the release of their morning exercise. During the riots the teenagers smashed window glasses, broke out several doors and broke beds and stools.

After the indictment's approval by the Prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory for supervision of law compliance correctional facilities in prisons the materials of the case will be brought to the Belorechensk District Court for consideration, the RIA "Novosti" reports.

In turn, Pavel Astakhov, Children Rights Commissioner for the President of the Russian Federation, held confidential personal talks with the convicts detained at the correctional facility. The guys told him that illegal acts had not been prepared in advance and, according to them, had occurred spontaneously. They claimed not knowing causes and circumstances of the riots' start.Violations of the rights of children kept in the juvenile correctional facility of Belorechensk have not been identified, the website of the Children Rights Commissioner states.

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