26 July 2011, 09:00
The Ministry of Regional Development suggests to allot four trillion rubles on development of Northern Caucasus
The Ministry of Regional Development has prepared a state program of development of South Caucasian Federal Okrug. The program for the nearest 14 years was worked out on the commission of the Government of the Russian Federation. Expenses on the state program exceed the ones currently stipulated by regional and federal target programs (FTP) in force tenfold.
According to the calculation of the Ministry of Regional Development, the greater part of the funds will be provided by state budget, about one trillion rubles will be attracted from investors, a document published on the web-site of the office runs.
2,6 trillion rubles out all the allotted funds will fall on the expenses of state budget (including 150 billion rubles state guarantees for 2011-2013 and 6 billion subsidies of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation), the subjects of the Federation will allot 195,2 billion rubles and the rest 1,09 trillion rubles are planned to be attracted from off-budget sources.
The new budget of the state program almost tenfold exceeds the expenses of FTP in force: the total sum of the project “Russian South” is confirmed to a sum of 145,486 billion rubles, 124,027 billion rubles out of these on Chechnya and 32,242 billion rubles on Ingushetia.
One third of the total budget of the program, i.e. 1,2 trillion rubles, will fall on investments into Dagestan. The republic is also in the lead from the point of view of planned sum to attract from off-budget funds, i.e. 414 billion rubles.
There has never been such a practically permanent support of regional economies in Russia, even taking into account the investments of federal center into distant regions in the North and Far East, “Commersant” reports.