27 June 2011, 18:00

Rostov Region: experts evidence at trial on recognition of publications of Jehovah's Witnesses as extremist

The Salsk City Court in the Rostov Region has resumed the trial on recognizing of a number of materials of Jehovah's Witnesses as extremist. The experts who spoke at the session believe that the defendants were promoting their religious exclusivity but add that it is common to all religions without exception.

The trial initiated under the lawsuit of the Salsk City Prosecutor's Office began on March 12, 2009, and since then was suspended twice. The Office claimed the following documents to be extremist: the issue of the magazine "Probudis!" (Wake up!) of December 2007; two issues of the magazine "Watchtower" dated December 1 and 15, 2007; the booklet "Who Really Rules the World?" (edition of 1992); and the pamphlet "Be Awake!" (edition of 2004).

The complex forensic psycho-linguistic examination of the editions was entrusted to the employees of the Southern Regional Centre of Forensic Examination philologist Ekaterina Dailof and psychologist Olga Shipshina, and philosopher Astapov, Associate Professor at the Southern Federal University, the Information-Analytical Centre "SOVA" reports.

The experts noted in their conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses promote the exclusivity of their religious trend.

On June 21, 2011, the court listened to the conclusions of the forensic psycho-linguistic-religious examination and questioned one of its authors – religion scientists Sergey Astapov.

Responding to lawyers' questions, the expert said that when conducting his examination he had not met in the texts of Jehovah's Witnesses any signs of humiliation of other religions. According to his story, the idea of exclusivity is inherent in the teaching and practice of every religious movement – this is the basis of religion studies, reports the press service of the Administrative Centre of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.

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