29 April 2011, 18:00

The trial on the case "Kadyrov vs Orlov" will be continued on May, 10

A new session of the Moscow City Court on the criminal case of slander initiated against Oleg Orlov, Head of "Memorial" Human Rights Center in connection with his statement about the responsibility of Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov for the murder of member of HRC "Memorial" Natalia Estemirova passed off on April, 28. Head of Chechnya bore witness via visual communication channel while we was in the office of the Supreme Court of Chechnya. 

The trial appointed for 12 o'clock, April, 28, was delayed for the reason that Ramzan Kadyrov had no passport with him which he had to submit to the judge. 

In the beginning of visual communication Head of Chechnya declared that he had produced all his evidence before and there was no need "to repeat it once again". However judge Karina Morozova insisted on Kadyrov's answering the questions of the parties.  

Kadyrov said that he had experienced moral damage connected with Orlov's statements, the human rights activist's pronouncement had "besmirched all his family" and declared his demand of making Orlov criminally liable.   

Orlov's attorney Henry Reznik asked Kadyrov about his interpretation of what Orlov said in connection with Estemirova's murder. "What did Orlov call you: paymaster, murderer or participator?" - Reznik asked. Head of Chechen Republic replied: "All in one". He added that after this statement he had a tragedy in his family: "I came back home and saw my mother, my wife and my children crying". In reply to Reznik's question how his family could receive the news so quickly he declared: "Everyone in Chechen Republic knows everything, the Internet works".

Head of Chechnya stated that he had met Natalia Estemirova only twice in his life and had never threatened her. Kadyrov described her as "a normal woman and a mother". At the same time he confirmed his opinion that as a human rights activist "she had had neither honour, nor virtue or conscience". "She only chats, speaks but does not protect human rights. I can see nothing sacred or positive in her work", Kadyrov declared.

"I do protect human rights and she had never helped us or wished to collaborate with us", Head of Chechnya added.

Orlov's attorney Herry Reznik asked whether it was true that he had said to Estemirova that his "arms were blood-stained up to his elbows" and he "had killed and would go on killing bad people". Head of Chechnya replied: "My hands are clean and nice, I manicured my nails just the day before yesterday".

Henry Reznik quoted what Kadyrov had said before: "I am personally responsible for all what is happening in the republic" and then asked whether he felt sorry for Natalia Estemirova's murder. In reply Kadyrov said that Estemirova's dead body was found in the territory of Ingushetia.  

Henry Reznik asked Head of Chechnya: "A person who kills bad people, shaitans or enemies of the republic is called a murderer. So why were you so much hurt with the word "murderer" pronounced by Orlov?". Head of Chechnya explained that he never killed, he just took special measures, detained and neutralized terrorists. 

After the session Oleg Orlov commented for the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that Ramzan Kadyrov' s evidence had been discrepant and he had sidestepped the questions. However, the human rights activist called this evidence rather valuable for Head of Chechnya confirmed having talked to Estemirova of the necessity of wearing a headscarf and some more facts which had formerly been denied by the witnesses for the prosecution.    

Ramzan Kadyrov's attorney Krasnenkov entered three motions. The first one of attaching to the case an article in the newspaper "Zavtra" ("Tomorrow") with the interview of Head of Chechnya for editor Prokhanov. The court granted this application. 

The second motion was to attach to the case the evidence of Grigory Shvedov, Editor-in-Chief of the "Caucasian Knot" on a civil act against Orlov. This one was rejected by the judge. 

The third application was about video recording and transcript of the video about human rights activists' meeting with Ramzan Kadyrov but for the reason that Krasnenkov had no authenticated copy of the papers, the judge upon state prosecutor's demand partially rejected the application affording the opportunity to produce authenticated papers at the next session. 

Oleg Orlov' party also entered a motion of attaching to the case several hard copies of articles from a number of web-sites but for the reason that they were not authenticated the judge also decided to consider them at the next session. 

The next session is appointed for May, 10, 11 o'clock. According to the judge, that might be possibly the last session after which the parties will start debate. 

Author: Dmitry Florin Source: CK correspondent

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