13 April 2011, 19:00

The opposition held "The Day of Wrath" in Rostov region

One more "Day of Wrath" passed off on April, 12, in the city of Rostov-on Don and the town of Sakhti. Activists of oppositional movements of Taganrog decided not to hold the picket not authorized by the administration. 

The "Caucasian Knot" has already reported that actions within the framework of "The Day of Wrath" on April, 12, had been planned in Rostov-on Don, Taganrog and Shakhti. The participants had declared their intention to bring with them "black marks" or any other objects of black colour symbolizing their distrust towards the policy carried out by the authorities. However, the authorities of Rostov-on-Don did not authorize the "Day of Wrath" planned in the central square of the city, in front of Rostov Administration's office.

Vladislav Ryazantsev, coordinator of "Left Front" movement in Rostov region, told a correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" that the day before the beginning of the action he received a telephone call from the Department of Interior Affairs of Rostov-on Don. "A woman was calling who introduced herself as an employee of the municipal Department of Interior Affairs. She addressed my as Vladimir and asked whether we were going to hold the action and where exactly if we were. I answered that we had appealed to court but our complaint had not been considered yet though the right of holding this kind of actions was a non-renewable one and we had asked to consider it till April, 12", he said. According to the activist, the court had not considered the oppositionists' complaint at all. 

At the appointed time representatives of youth movement "Young Guard of United Russia" gathered in the square in front of the office of regional Administration. "We are carrying out an action devoted to Cosmonautics Day. We were presenting photos of the "stars" of our cosmonautics taken against the background of an unrolled banner to everyone who wished. Before that we had done an educational survey among young people asking them whether they knew what the date of April, 12, was famous for", Konstantin Vasiltsov, Deputy Chairman of the regional branch of "Young Guard of United Russia", said to a correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot". 

Activists of "Left Front", "United Civil Front" and "Solidarity" movements arrived at the square, too. Police personnel were guarding public order along the whole perimeter of the square. 

"When we gathered the policemen handed me two warnings at once of inadmissibility of extremist activities. We decided to hold no unauthorized actions and just organize a meeting of the citizens within the framework of the Day of Wrath which in fact was done", Vladislav Ryazantsev, coordinator of the "Left Front" movement said after the action. 

According to him, after the "Day of Wrath" action was over the participants symbolically handed a black balloon to the officials of the administration who were observing the action.

Meanwhile, in Taganrog a representative of the "Left Front" movement was refused a permission of holding "The Day of Wrath" for the reason of absence of a xerocopy of his passport attached to the application. Local oppositionists decided not to organize an unauthorized picket. 

In the town of Shakhti "The Day of Wrath" passed of as a picket authorized by the administration. "We distributed stickers in form of "black marks" among the passers-by and tried to explain them the essence of the action which was our protest against rate increase and new reform of education", Alexey Nestenko, activist of the "Left Front" movement, said. 

According to him, few of the townsmen were concerned about these problems and paid attention to actions like this. "Many people were just passing by though there were persons who stopped and supported us", Nesterenko remarked.

Author: Olesya Dianova Source: CK correspondent

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