Alexander Tokarev, journalist of the newspaper "Astrakhanskaya Pravda". Astrakhan, March 16, 2011. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot"

04 April 2011, 18:00

A journalist in Astrakhan acknowledged guilty of insult to a representative of authority


A verdict of Astrakhan court to a local journalist Alexander Tokarev who was acknowledged guilty of insult to a representative of authority came into effect. Tokarev, in his turn, declares himself aggrieved. 

"Quite recently a criminal case against me as a journalist of newspaper "Astrakhanskaya Pravda" was initiated according to clause 319 of Criminal code of the Russian Federation for insult to a representative of authority, the journalist said to the correspondent of "Caucasian Knot". - The whole story began on May, 31, 2010, when an incident happened during an action in support of clause 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Bratsky garden of Astrakhan when Yemelina, official of the Administration of Kirov district, knocked my camera with which I was taking photos of the events out of my hands. The camera was not destroyed but I failed to call her to account in spite of a lot of attempts to apply to the Department of Interior Affairs and Public prosecutor's office". 

"But the story had an unexpected development when my status of an aggrieved person turned into a defendant's one. I have described these events in an article under a scathing headline "Members of jackal clan with cop shoulder straps" because everything happened in front of the very eyes of a lot of militiamen and being in a state of great indignation with this woman's impudence I wrote this article on a hot scent. I am still unable to call Yemelina to account: a new refusal was recently received from the Department of Interior Affairs thought this was easily done with me myself for publishing the above mentioned article in the paper. On September, 19, last year, a criminal case was initiated according clause 319 and after investigation referred to court", Alexander Tokarev says. 

According to him, "the most interesting events" took place later on. Only one of the militiamen's names, colonel Susin, was mentioned in the article, "besides, there was no direct personal insult to him or anyone else". "Nevertheless, they initiated a forged case and referred it to court where the aggrieved Susin and me settled the conflict peacefully, I presented my apologies to him and we arranged about making them public by means of mass media. The aggrieved himself being a judicious person had no objections to abatement of the suit but the state prosecutor was dead against it and the judge refused solicitation for removal of action for the reason that the object of the crime had been public relations, it had been a crime against administrative procedure", the journalist continues. 

"A verdict of guilty was brought in against me: I was sentenced to a fine of 20 thousand rubles. A trial on my appeal took place recently and the district judge Soloviev passed a standing judgment, the other day the verdict came into effect", he said. 

"Alex Radovsky, investigating journalist of international media "Top Secret", who recently visited Astrakhan for the purpose of preparing an extended investigation of violations of legal regulations and human rights in Astrakhan region told a "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the cases of Tokarev and Teplishev were typical of all Astrakhan journalists "to whose mind the idea of publishing anything uncomplimentary concerning the authorities might come". 

There have not been any comments from the officer of Astrakhan Department of Interior Affairs Susin or any other representatives of the office yet. The personnel of Press service of Astrakhan Department of Interior Affairs were neither able to comment on the situation nor provide the reporter of "Caucasian Knot" with contact information of Susin or any representative who could officially comment on the position of Department of Interior Affairs on the matter. 

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent asked for comments from Elena Yemelina in the Administration of Kirov district of Astrakhan but was readdressed to Municipal Administration. As for the Mayor's office, its personnel declared that they "had no right to comment on any actions of employees of other institutions". The office phone of senior specialist of the Department of Organizational Mass Work of Kirov district Administration of Astrakhan Elena Yemelina turned out inaccessible. 

"Astrakhanskaya Pravda" is currently collecting money to cover the fine due for payment by Alexander Tokarev.  


Author: Dmitry Florin Source: CK correspondent

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