Housing construction in Grozny, 2005. Photo by chechnyafree.ru

23 March 2011, 17:00

Dwellers of a restored settlement in Grozny are afraid to live in new buildings

Local residents state that blocks of flats built in 2008 in the 20-th section of Oktyabrsky district of Grozny have become outworn and are literally tumbling down in front of their very eyes.

Two years ago large-scale repair and reconstructive works were carried out in Grozny. At the behest of President of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov new two-storey blocks of flats, for eight families each, were erected in a short space of time instead of decrepit cottages of barrack type built yet in the -20’s last century.

“We started noticing crazing appear in our flats, the houses are just going to ruin in front of our very eyes. Things have come down to the danger of living here and 320 families, i.e. a little less than 1500 people, are dwelling in the section”, a local resident said to a reporter of “Caucasian Knot” on the phone.

According to our source, builders are currently working in the section again, they are putting metallic angle bars in the corners of the blocks of flats and welding them on by iron bars.

One of the experts who has taken part in building the blocks of flats in the 20-th section told us that the problem was that the soil was very weak in the area, it was necessary to consolidate it and the houses should have been built with foundations on concrete piles.

“However, the works were being done carelessly and in a hurry here, people at the top were hastening the workers for they were afraid not to be in time for the date specified by the President, the builder explains. – I am afraid that in case of at least one earthquake shock these houses will go to pieces brick by brick”.

Officials of the Ministry of Construction and Highways of Chechen Republic still abstain from any comments on the situation around new buildings in Oktyabrsky district of Grozny.

Author: Alexander Ivanov Source: CK correspondent

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