26 January 2011, 23:30

In Ingushetia, MPs and public figures outraged with Zhirinovsky's statements about Caucasians

The utterances of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), about the nations of Northern Caucasus, pronounced on January 20, in Vladimir Solovyov's programme "Poyedinok" (Duel) on "Rossiya-1" National TV Channel, caused an extraordinary sitting of the Council of the People's Assembly of Ingushetia.

On January 20, while performing in the above programme, Mr Zhirinovsky criticized the financial policy of federal authorities for North-Caucasian republics and treated investments into their economies as unjustified. He also made some harsh statements about Caucasian nations. "The main problem of Russia is in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia," said Zhirinovsky.

The People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia passed the "Appeal to Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov in connection with provocative utterances of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma".

"We, the Deputies of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia, who are representing the multinational people of the republic, not for the first time express our concern of the multiple rude, provocative, and in some cases, slanderous utterances and statements of extremist nature made by the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vladimir Zhirinovsky about the nations of the republics of Northern Caucasus," the statement runs.

"The national concept of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his utterances are directed against the multinational state of Russia, against national reconciliation, against formation and strengthening of the united and great Russia, against the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and against entire nations, and, above all, against Russians. It is aimed towards interethnic conflicts, civil war and destruction of the state," the MPs state.

"We are frankly worried by the fact that the deputy of the supreme legislative body of the Russian Federation is allowed not only to blacken entire nations, but also to make blatant incitements. This position is clearly contrary to the policy of the leadership of the Russian Federation," runs the document.

"This appeal should be regarded not as a complaint against the television insinuations of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, but as our resolute rejection and condemnation of the political stand of this MP," the republic's deputies draw attention of Speaker Gryzlov. "We also urge you to discuss the slanderous statements of Deputy Vladimir Zhirinovsky at the sitting of the State Duma Commission on mandate issues and deputy's ethics; since his utterances lead to destabilization of the situation in the south of the country and Russia in general. We also ask to assess the political stand of this Duma MP up to raising the question about his conformity to the high post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation."

The protest was also expressed by the Association "All-Ingush Civil Council" (AICC).

The Coordinating Board of the AICC notes in its statement that the "chauvinistic and nationalist rhetoric of some Russian politicians makes the basis for xenophobic ideology formed among the Russian youth, as evidenced by nationalist performances in Manege Square of Moscow last December."

According to the members of the AICC, the statements of the State Duma Deputy were made out of his desire to "earn cheap populism and electors' votes at the upcoming State Duma elections."

"We want to remind Zhirinovsky and his ilk that Ingushes, among other nations, shed their blood for Russia and made their invaluable contribution into development of the Russian state, strengthening its power and greatness," the statement runs.

The Executive Committee of the Coordination Board of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Ingushetia also addressed President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, General Public Prosecutor Yuri Chaika and Chairs of the Council of Federation and State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia with an appeal sharply condemning the statements of Zhirinovsky, leader of the LDPR, as "degrading the dignity of Caucasian nations" and demanded to "give a legal assessment of the utterances of the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly."

Also, the Executive Committee addressed the members of the Ingush Branch of the LDPR to quit the party in protest against the utterances of their leader.

On January 24, a similar appeal was made by the participants of the roundtable. The event was organized by the Public Organization "Daimokhk" and hosted by the Ministry for PR and Interethnic Relations of Ingushetia.

Residents of other republics of Northern Caucasus have also condemned the statements of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

At their extraordinary session on January 22, the Deputies of the Chechen Duma demanded to liquidate the LDPR and deprive its leader of his mandate. On January 22, the authorities of Dagestan joined the accusations of nationalism addressed to the head of Russian Liberal Democrats.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky asserts in his response that did not incite any ethnic hatred and offers those disgruntled to go to court, the "Gazeta.Ru" writes.

Author: Malika Batsaeva Source: CK correspondent

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