20 January 2011, 20:00

Woman from Krasnodar Territory claims illegal prosecution of her father

As stated by Asya Gevorkyan, a resident of the Novopokrovskiy District of the Krasnodar Territory, a criminal case about beating is falsified against her father - Gayk Gevorkyan, 50, - while he himself is a victim.

Also, according to the young woman, the defendant's rights were repeatedly violated both during the investigation and at the trial. Asya Gevorkyan told about it in her letter to the "Caucasian Knot" and in the video appeal to President Dmitri Medvedev within the action "Kuban - to Russian President".

"My family lives in the Novopokrovskiy District, where judges, investigators, prosecutors and advocates are in fact one big grouping, which protects its own members and gets rid of unwanted people," Asya Gevorkyan said in her letter to the editorial office of the "Caucasian Knot". "The Novopokrovskiy District Court is considering a criminal case against my father Gayk Karleni Gevorkyan under Part 2, Article 111 the Criminal Code, of a crime he never committed. My father - a man of 50 - was beaten by five young men, the oldest being about 30. They beat him and shouted: 'Beat all Armenians!' In the whole village, we live for more than 25 years, only our family is an Armenian one."

As she told later to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, her father was late to file an application to the militia, as "one of the attackers - earlier convicted Maxim Makeev, born in 1986, was the first to do it". According to Asya Gevorkyan, investigators fabricate a criminal case against her father, bully and intimidate him to sign everything without providing an interpreter or an advocate.

"Trials are incessant from November; now the aim is different: they understand that we'll not pay and not allow putting my father behind bars just so easily," said Asya. "We're assisted by a very energetic woman - human rights defender Zinaida Kichigina, who writes complaints to all instances. At the trial, three witnesses saw interrogation protocols and said that signatures were not theirs. A criminal case was initiated against the investigator, but then he was immediately acquitted, while the judge and prosecutor in our case were changed."

Zinaida Kichigina, a human rights activist from the Kavkaz District of the Krasnodar Territory, a member of the public human rights organization "Mothers in Defence of Rights of Detainees, Defendants and Convicts", who is a public defender in the case of Gayk Gevorkyan, is also sure that the criminal case was fabricated.

In her complaints against investigators' actions submitted to the prosecutor of the Novopokrovskiy District, Krasnodar Territory, as well as to the General Prosecutor's Office (GPO) and the ICPO (Investigatory Committee under the GPO) of the Russian Federation, Ms Kichigina reports that "investigator Ilyinov failed to add the epicrisis of the patient named Gevorkyan to the case files, saying that 'it was written on his forehead' that he was in hospital."

As stated by Kichigina, she was forced to appeal to the GPO after V. S. Mozgovoy, investigator of the ICPO for the Novopokrovskiy District, who is considering the materials of the check under Gevorkyan's application about bringing A. V. Ilyinov, an investigator of the Investigatory Division of the Novopokrovskiy ROVD (District Interior Division), to criminal liability for falsifying an evidence, refused to initiate criminal proceedings.

Meanwhile, as Asya Gevorkyan told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, they already received an answer from the GPO saying that a criminal case will be initiated against investigator Ilyinov and taken under supervision of the GPO.

Author: Albina Astakhova Source: CK correspondent

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